Wayne OzoskyPatriots Point 4 minutes ago · Edited OK folks how - TopicsExpress


Wayne OzoskyPatriots Point 4 minutes ago · Edited OK folks how would you like to stop this crap from happening ever again? How would you like to have your State be more powerful than the Federal Government and push the Federal Government back to a very small, limited and with very few powers of old!? The Countermand Amendment can and will do that if we can get 34 States to make the call for a Convention of States to propose the Countermand Amendment! What does it say? Glad you asked! Section 1. The Article restores State sovereignty in our Constitutional Republic by providing State Legislatures Countermand authority. Section 2. State Legislatures in the several States shall have the authority to Countermand and rescind any Congressional Statute, Judicial decision, Executive Order, Treaty, government agency’s regulatory ruling, or any other government or non-government mandate (including excessive spending and credit) imposed on them when in the opinion of 60 percent of State Legislatures the law or ruling adversely affects their States’ interest. When the Countermand threshold has been reached, the law or ruling shall be immediately and automatically nullified and repealed. This Countermand authority shall also apply to existing laws and rulings. Section 3. From the time the initial Countermand is issued by a State Legislature, the other Legislatures shall have 18 months to complete the Countermand process. If the Countermand process is not completed in 18 months, then the law or ruling that is being challenged shall remain enforceable. Section 4. Each State Legislature must complete their Countermand affidavit and deliver a certified copy to the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, the Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the United States, and when applicable the Government Agency or Body that is being challenged. Section 5. Any elected or non-elected government official, or any non-government individual or organization, who intentionally obstructs or prevents the implementation of any provision in this Article shall have committed a criminal offense and shall be subject to impeachment (when applicable) and criminal prosecution and upon conviction serve up to five years in prison. Section 6. Individual States shall have authority to prosecute violators of this Article under State laws in the absence of Federal prosecution after 90 days from the date of the alleged violation. Multiple prosecutions, by multiple States, for the same alleged crime are prohibited. Section 7. The Article shall be immediately part of the United States Constitution upon ratification by three quarters of the State Legislatures in the several States. Section 8. The provisions of this Article are enforceable within the United States which shall include the Several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the territories and possessions of the United States. Really simple, no loopholes and has teeth like no amendment to the Constitution has ever had! Section 1 is self explanatory. So lets explore Section 2 and how this would impact what has happened to Mr Bundy and the people of Clark County Nevada and the people of Nevada. If 30 States decide that the Department of Interior has taken their lands and have made the people pay for the use of their land and have violated the peoples right of free movement, use of the land in a reasoned and responsible way they can Countermand those rules, regulations, Executive Orders, laws etc. It may be that the States have had their lands stolen by Executive Orders, such as the Antiquity’s Act, which Jimmy Carter did to Alaska (now 67% of which is Federal lands) or when Bill Clinton stole lands from Utah or when Teddy Roosevelt stole land from the several States to make parks. Whatever “adversely affects their States’ interest”, if 30 States say enough is enough and we are taking back those wrongfully taken lands, then those actions, executive orders, rules, regulations are “immediately and automatically nullified and repealed.” That folks is just the land issue related to this latest attack in Nevada. What about when people like Obama refuse oil and natural gas exploration on federal lands, which keeps us dependent on foreign oil? That adversely impacts the people of that State by denying good employment on those fields, increases the cost of fuels, increases the cost of food production and increases, because of high unemployment, more welfare state and the resulting costs to the working stiff! When 30 States say enough is enough and write legislation to repeal those rules and regulations that are impacting reasonable oil and natural gas production then those rules and regulations are immediately and automatically nullified and repealed! For those farmers who the EPA says they cannot irrigate because of a fish, or those miners who cannot mine because the EPA uses bad science to invoke a flowed “Clean Water Act” subsection that nobody had heard of? What is the adverse impact to the people of that State? Loss of production of a product, be it food, copper, gold, zinc, cattle, sheep, corn, alfalfa, what ever product. Loss of wages, loss of infrastructure funding through State taxes and revenue. Loss of dignity of the working man or woman who put in a good day for a good wage so their kids have it better than they did! All that adversity can be nullified and repealed if 30 States stand together and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I think you have the idea by now, so now lets look at the real teeth to this amendment, Sections 5 and 6! For, as in this case, (if this was in effect) if Harry Reid having intentionally obstructed the States from exercising their will to remove the BLM and any and all rules and regulations pertaining to the land which adversely impact the State and its people would then have committed a crime punishable by 5 years in prison! Section 6 says if the Federal Government does not arrest and try within 90 days, then the State of Nevadas Attorney General could put out an arrest and extradition order for him, then take him to criminal court, and if found guilty, 5 years in State Prison (for each count)! That would hold true for, like in this case all those BLM agents who intentionally violated the peoples rights to the use of that land! I have heard the argument that the Congress and departments dont do as we say and dont listen to us and just do what they want. Well, there are consequences in this amendment that will make them follow what We the People and the Sovereign States say to do! For to ignore would result in harsh consequences. So, in closing, folks, do we take back our nation? Do we ensure that our States are Sovereign and that We the People are not only Sovereign, but the first, foremost and end all of what our employees, from local assembly, commissioners, State Legislators, US Congressmen and Senators and most importantly the bureaucrats that work for US, We the People? Then go to countermands.us, read about the Countermand Amendment, how to make the call by your Legislatures, ensure that the convention is safe, efficient and predictable with a clear, concise Delegate Resolution which ensure One State One Vote, a passage of the final amendment by majority vote, then to the States for ratification of 38 States! Then while that is being done, push for the legislatures to make the call of the Sovereignty Amendment which clearly defines and empowers We the People, the States and our nation! If you want to do this and take back our nation, get with me and Ill give you the tools to help make this happen! -- Contact State Directors Mike Coons Wayne Ozosky Citizens initiatives Using Operas mail client: opera/mail/ Like·Comment·Stop Notifications
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 04:56:59 +0000

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