Wayne OzoskyPatriots Point Just now Kelli D Gordon III Text of - TopicsExpress


Wayne OzoskyPatriots Point Just now Kelli D Gordon III Text of proposed COUNTERMAND AMENDMENT ARTICLE 28 (or alternate number to be assigned by Congress) Section 1. The Article restores State sovereignty in our Constitutional Republic by providing State Legislatures Countermand authority. Section 2. State Legislatures in the several States shall have the authority to Countermand and rescind any Congressional Statute, Judicial decision, Executive Order, Treaty, government agency’s regulatory ruling, or any other government or non-government mandate (including excessive spending and credit) imposed on them when in the opinion of 60 percent of State Legislatures the law or ruling adversely affects their States’ interest. When the Countermand threshold has been reached, the law or ruling shall be immediately and automatically nullified and repealed. This Countermand authority shall also apply to existing laws and rulings. Section 3. From the time the initial Countermand is issued by a State Legislature, the other Legislatures shall have 18 months to complete the Countermand process. If the Countermand process is not completed in 18 months, then the law or ruling that is being challenged shall remain enforceable. Section 4. Each State Legislature must complete their Countermand affidavit and deliver a certified copy to the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, the Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the United States, and when applicable the Government Agency or Body that is being challenged. Section 5. Any elected or non-elected government official, or any non-government individual or organization, who intentionally obstructs or prevents the implementation of any provision in this Article shall have committed a criminal offense and shall be subject to impeachment (when applicable)and criminal prosecution and upon conviction serve up to five years in prison. Section 6. Individual States shall have authority to prosecute violators of this Article under State laws in the absence of Federal prosecution after 90 days from the date of the alleged violation. Multiple prosecutions, by multiple States, for the same alleged crime are prohibited. Section 7. The Article shall be immediately part of the United States Constitution upon ratification by three quarters of the State Legislatures in the several States. Section 8. The provisions of this Article are enforceable within the United States which shall include the Several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the territories and possessions of the United States. Join Citizen Initiatives. Visit the web site. And GET INVOLVED!! I know you are sick of signing on-line petitions. This one is very important. Support The Countermand Amendment Convention thru Citizen Initiatives. Please sign on line, then print, sign and mail a copy in to Charles Kacprowicz in North Carolina as proof that We The People will NOT allow our State Legislatures to abdicate our sovereignty. We will no longer allow the federal government to regulate and tax us to death any longer. Do Not Be of Faint Heart. Citizen Inititatives equals We The People. Together we will end this tyranny. The Power is with The People, U.S.A. Patriots Ride!! https://countermands.us/petitions.html https://countermands.us/home.html partiotsride.org/ Timeline Photos · Mar 24 · View Full Size · Send as Message · Report Photo Like·Comment·Share·Get Notifications Michael Gordon and 20 others like this. Carlos Cervantes My number one president. Like · 1 · Mar 24 Kelli D Gordon III https://countermands.us/home.html Countermand Amendment Convention - Citizen initiatives countermands.us Like · 1 · Mar 24 People of all state did you see whats going on in Nevada ? Its about your rights ! Most of all state sovereignty! Nevada is or lost its state Sovereignty ! Nevada you can get it back ! Its up to you to fight ! Citizens initiatives Can help you with these this ! Article 5 countermands ! We are working with many state legislators to get their state Sovereignty back freedom ! But we can only help if we the people step forward and act ! Nevada your in a world of shit get up wake up and fight ! I know this is long but read ! You lost your freedom Nevada take a good hard look to Mr. Bundy ???? We can help you ! Thank you Wayne Ozosky A director with Citizens initiatives Alaska . Like·Comment·Stop Notifications
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:32:45 +0000

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