Waynes USA diary extract... 18th July 2013 Woken at 3am when - TopicsExpress


Waynes USA diary extract... 18th July 2013 Woken at 3am when part of the ceiling caved in, due to rain damage. We cooked breakfast on a massive gas stove and packed up. We opened the doors to see the heaviest rainfall Ive seen in years. We threw ourselves into Bessie, and drove off into Texas, crossing our second time zone. Gradually the rain eased, and we got to our next campsite; Paradise Canyon. I had previously looked this place up online... crystal clear lakes, pristine campsites, lush surroundings. Reality was... dried up smelly mud lake, fly infested campsites, deserted surroundings! I personally loved it. It was rustic (cold water outdoor showers, chainsaw massacre bathrooms) and loved the fact that we had it almost to ourselves. Went for a swim in Stinky Creek, and got out quickly when i put my feet in something. I can only describe it as living poo. Cooked sausages and mash this evening, and fought off the clouds of flies unsuccessfully. I also noticed a disturbing abundance of vultures circling overhead... what did they know that we didnt? Headed into San Antonio for some night life. Ended up in a cool Irish pub called Durty Betties, listening to live music, eating peanuts. Walked along the riverside walk for a bit, then we all decided to head back to our deaths at Paradise Canyon/chainsaw wielding maniac canyon. I made sure I did my tent zipper up tight, as we discovered on the road this place is riddled with angry looking tarantulas.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 08:26:13 +0000

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