Waynes USA diary extract... 6th August 2013 Woke at 2am to - TopicsExpress


Waynes USA diary extract... 6th August 2013 Woke at 2am to armageddon. The storm we watched cautiously from miles away had shifted to directly overhead, and Ive never known anything like it. Even Matt said hed never experienced a storm that strong. The lighting was like a strobe light, literally 2-3 flashes a second, and the deafening thunder rolled into one continuous noise. It was like having a jet engine above the tent. Jackie hated it; she kept saying What if its a tornado? I reasoned that if it is a tornado, then were all dead. I gave her my beanie hat to protect her. The next morning we surveyed the damage; the site was flooded. A few of the group had bolted for the protection of Bessie the bus, as their tents had threatened to wash downstream. After gathering our wet belongings, Matt drove us to the bizarre roadside attraction, Wall Drug; a giant shop which started off selling pharmaceuticals and ice water in the early twentieth century, to a massive sprawl of arcades selling everything nowadays! I had myself two cups of coffee (5c each) an amazing donut (9000 calories), bought tons of tacky souvenirs and saw a Jackalope (look em up online). Everyone was waiting outside for me. Id kept the group waiting 20 mins in my over excitement. We drove through Custer, being wowed by the sights of wild buffalo herds, and wild biker herds. Stopped off at a picturesque lake for lunch, then drove on to our KOA campsite, which was overrun with bikers and rednecks. This evening I devised a photography competition for our evening in Sturgis biker rally tomorrow. The categories are: (1) best moustache (2) biggest biker belly (3) best pose on a bike (4) scariest biker.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 06:16:18 +0000

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