Waynes USA diary extract... Managed to have a lie in today, - TopicsExpress


Waynes USA diary extract... Managed to have a lie in today, eventually dragging myself out of the tent at 07:30am. Cherry Hill campsite is really cool, except for the showers; its like bathing under a pressure hose, and stings like crazy. Honestly, if Id had the choice, Id have sooner gone through a car wash naked. Did the usual; coffee, eat, collapse tent, pack trailer, bang head on trailer, leave something valuable behind. Matt drove us six miles into Washington, D.C. to visit Arlington cemetary (this drive took one and a half hours!!). Arlington is a huge place of remembrance reserved for military personnel, dignitaries and others, and is notable for being an immense area, dotted with row upon row of white headstones. I was glad to find the place very dignified and respectful, and was even more excited when I found out they had celebrities! Saw JFKs grave (this made up for me missing Elviss grave at Graceland the other day, which I missed totally, although I practically walked over). Overall it was a good experience; I had a nice walk, and saw a few celebrities en route. Its bloody hot today. The group disbanded, so Jackie and myself decided to visit the Air and Space museum once wed recovered from eating dodgy hotdogs. The museum itself is huge. When I first got inside I got mildly hysterical (the inner geek broke free) and I ran around drooling, feverishly trying to absorb everything whilst taking millions of photos. Theres all kinds of amazing crap there! But I quickly became annoyed at the crowds of screaming kids and shuffling old people (Im such a tolerant shit), so naturally we decided to take time out at the only eaterie available: Mac-Fing-Donalds. We ate our super sized synthetic cow, which was thrown at us by some teenage grunt. We then plodded around D.C. for a few hours, taking in the main monuments; White House, Congress, etc. The Lincoln memorial was closed as overnight vandals had painted him green. I think hed look better with a little colour. At camp this evening we all felt a little subdued. This would be our last camping evening with Ben, Holly, Tom, Graeme and Amanda. We all chatted around the fire one last time, and for some reason we all ended up wearing batman masks(?). Will be very sad when this group splits up.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 09:53:32 +0000

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