Ways to Achieve success in Marriage 1: Be responsible: marriage - TopicsExpress


Ways to Achieve success in Marriage 1: Be responsible: marriage is not for children, neither is it for lazy people. It is for responsible people. The other name for marriage is being responsible. If you desire a productive relationship with your spouse, you have to adopt the attitude of accountability. A lot of people are not responsible that is why their relationship never gets to succeed. If you choose to add another person to your life, be responsible for that person, whether you are a man or woman. Responsibility means you are under obligation to do something. God is a responsible that is why his Kingdom reigns forever. To have a lasting marriage or relationship, you have to put yourself aside and care for your partner. Learn to be responsible for your actions and mistakes, when you are wrong, own up to it and do everything possible to resolve the issue. There are several relationships that have packed up because both parties were not sincerely sorry for their actions. To build and enjoy a peaceful relationship these magic words should not be far from your mouth. “I am sorry” “please forgive me”, “I love you” “you are special” “thank you”. These words can bring relief to an angry heart and also make a heart to fall in love. As often as you use them, it helps to set issues that were heading the wrong direction in order. You do not become less of a man when you apologize to a woman. It does not mean you are weak when you say ‘’I am sorry’’ it shows real Strength. The quickest way to know men that have inferiority complex is they never apologize for their wrong, they feel what makes them a man is when they are rude, and arrogant. Never marry an arrogant man, you will become angry and a lot of people will hate you because of your spouse. Even God hates arrogant people. God resists them. But he gives more grace to the humble. Learn to be responsible. Responsibility also means doing your duties, No spouse loves an irresponsible partner. As a wife, your duty includes making sure your house is tidy, your family eats when they should and your home and the income of the family is properly managed. You are a wealth and a home manager As a husband your duty includes, providing for your family financially, spiritually and socially. You must become an imitator of God, the reason why God is always relevant and always respected is because he is a provider. If God was just there and does not affect your life positively in any way, no one will go to church or honour him. Make sure you and your spouse are in constant agreement. Life is tougher when you do not have a person to agree with, instead of both of you teaming up against challenges; your spouse becomes your first challenge. I personally pity people that marry an unbelieving spouse, because challenges is a part of life, and the most effective solution God gave couples to overcome challenge is agreeing spiritually on an issue. “If two of you shall agree touching anything on the earth, it shall be done for them” Marrying a spouse that has a different belief and view from you makes life tougher for you. 2: follow God’s model. It is only a cook that knows his recipe. No marriage can fail following God’s model. The reason for failure in life, marriage or relationship is because of disorder. When you choose to go out of order, your life also gets out of shape even with our physical body, when you choose to eat out of order for a long time; your body begins to go out of shape. When it comes to marriage, “GOD says to man, love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave his life for her’’ this statement means, model your home after Me (God). Treat her the way God treats you. If every man will choose to treat his woman in the example Christ set as a leader, divorce will become an outdated word. Seven leadership principles for marriage People think Jesus did not get married, so they do not know how he would have treated his wife, all he wanted you to know about marriage, he did with the disciples. a. He was the one that chose each of his disciples. As a man you should choose your wife not your parents or any one else choosing for you. b. He was a responsible leader: From the time Christ chose his disciples, He became responsible for their welfare and cared for them. To the point when one of this disciple’s (Peter) mother-in law was ill, he healed her. As a husband you should care about all your wife cares about. c. He never allows interference: as a leader, the moment Jesus chose his followers, he never allowed interference from his biological mother and siblings. (Mark 3:31) “And his mother and his brothers came, and standing outside they sent for him and called him. And a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, “Your mother and your brothers are outside, seeking you.” And he answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whosoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.” Your wife and your children should come first on your priority list. d. Jesus operated in equality. (John 15:15) “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. Your wife is not your servant but your friend, the role model says so. e. He cares. (Matthew 9:36) “When he saw the crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd”. Your wife’s well being should be of paramount importance to you f. He demonstrated leadership by service: (John 13:12)”When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one anothers feet”. Though as a husband, you are the head of the home, you have to learn to serve your family g. He loved to the end: Jesus never backed out of his responsibility even at the point of death. Marriage is forever no matter the challenges that you will face on your journey Jesus loved to the end, and his followers were not always at their best behavior yet he loved them to the end. This is what God expects from every man and womans union. Love your spouse to the end no matter the challenges along the way. On the other hand, you find out his disciples also followed him to the end. The world has no relationship success secret, God does. Jesus is the secret of keeping the wine in your marriage fresh. 3. Never introduce lies: lies fight to destroy the foundation of relationships which also destroys trust, as trust is the foundation that love stands on. You rarely can love without trust. Never start a relationship or marriage with lies, it will not stand the test of time. No matter how solid your bricks are, it cannot stand on a sandy foundation Always say things the way they are, if anyone hates you for the truth another will love you for it. Build your relationship on the truth and the word of God. Any relationship built on lies will break, it is only a matter of time. God hates lies so with human beings. The human life only comes to earth once, no one will be willing to entrust his or her life to a liar. God hates lies, and his first institution he established on earth can not survive on lies. If you want to win a partner’s heart, become a truthful person. The reason we can wait on God is because we know and have heard from others, that he had a reputation of not telling lies. Build that reputation in your marriage, your children will grow up to naturally learn from you. do not allow lies to stop you and make you lose your spouse’s love.. Learn to be truthful to your spouse; Avoid lies by all means; keep your friendship with God and your spouse. The bad thing about telling lies is that, even when you are telling the truth, once you have been known for telling lies, people would still doubt you. Learn to be open, and build trust if you must enjoy your marriage or relationship. 4. Avoid Pride and arrogance: nothing robs people of true togetherness like pride. A proud person is rarely a nice person, and when it comes to success in marriage, you have to be as humble as possible. Pride is the mother of arrogance, no arrogant person can make a good wife or husband. You must be careful not to draw attention to yourself. Humility is modesty, respectfulness and not willing to draw attention to one’s self. That attitude that says ‘it must be my way all the time” is pride. No marriage can survive on the soil of pride. remember pride and arrogance can rob you of a great relationship, Never belittle people. Great things do not always appear great, from the beginning. Pride is an enemy to intimacy in any relationship. Ways to walk away from pride: 1: always remind yourself, there is nothing special about you or what you have if not the grace of God 2: model your life after Jesus. Though he was God he came as man and was still humble 3:pray for the Spirit of meekness Author......Judith Daniel-Imagoro. President and founder of Glorious living singles and married ministry. Publisher Keys To Happy Living Magazine. And a weekly Host of Singles and Married Todays Event To read more of my articles visit Glorious living singles and married ministry Facebook page, or join us @ singles & Married Today @ Magrellos Event hall 169 Ogudu road Ojota Lagos. Every Second to the last Sunday evening of each month. Time 4pm Contact details - Email: keys2happyliving@yahoo, 08140452433,08188502042
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:21:57 +0000

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