Ways to Fight the Good Fight: An Inexhaustible List On a group - TopicsExpress


Ways to Fight the Good Fight: An Inexhaustible List On a group designed to both promote the numbers that require Medical Cannabis and support those that find therapy within the plant, I feel it relevant to start an idea list designed solely for those of us that participate in the fight for legalization and to inspire others to do the same. Below, youll find methods that either I or others have found tried and true. I hope that others, too, will add to the list. Compiling our ideas can only make one become a stronger warrior against the ugly head of prohibition. 1. Vote. This one concept is the primary gospel of all movements, grassroots or of large scale. If you dont vote, change is without a chance. Sometimes, we have to drop our partisan bias because both friends and foes of Cannabis are all across the spectrum. Voting is most effective on local levels which is where changes can influence state and federal politics. Research the guy running for mayor or the police chief. Again, dont discount an ally because he or she is too right or left for your liking. But, most importantly, burn up the ballot box. 2. Dont Counter-Campaign. This one is often ignored from these lists because the first thing we want to do about a candidate that supports prohibition is to talk trash about him or her regarding their support of it. Its an understandable reaction and one that took me awhile to learn. This technique is all fine and good if that politician isnt elected— but, if he or she wins? Congratulations, you just bought yourself an enemy! Just as politicians remember those that send them campaign contributions, they will likewise remember the people, and more importantly, the cause that fought against them. If youre going to contribute to mudslinging, please keep Cannabis out of it. Convincing an already elected official to change their mind on Cannabis is far easier than convincing the guy you dogged out on the issue through media and demonstrations. 3. Organize. There is power in numbers. While social media has its role, theres nothing like the feel and fellowship of real, live people in your circle. There are a number of fine groups out there, big and small. Using NORML as an example, because Im a member, theres a relatively good chance that we have a chapter somewhere nearby. Search on Google, Facebook and through other avenues. Not only can a functioning group provide you with information regarding the subject, you can be part of a greater whole and participate in a number of educational and political activities. Cant find one? Start your own. 4. Writing Letters or Calling Elected Officials. Its easy. You compile the facts about Medical Cannabis, give statistics and case examples. Theyll either agree or disagree, but if you dont contact them, the answer remains the same. This is where being in a group comes into play, too. Letter writing campaigns shows the support of many, rather than one. 5. Editorials. Easiest thing ever for the cause. Your local newspaper most likely has an editorial section. Write/Email it and talk about Medical Cannabis. Editorial submissions reach people that may be uninformed on a subject not typically discussed on the front (or last) page of the newspaper. Its a healthy assumption that many that read physical paper media are less inclined to obtain their news through the internet and social media. This presents the opportunity to outreach to those folks on Medical Cannabis facts that are far more abundant online than off. When writing an editorial, stay with the facts and remain objective. Avoid aggressive statements and accusations. For reasons mentioned in number two, dont accuse your local senator of accepting bribes from pharmaceutical companies to support prohibition. While its probably true, the idea is to win allies, not enemies. 6. Demonstrations. Taking it to the streets can turn heads. This usually isnt too effective as a solitary venture. Youll need numbers. One or two people holding up a sign will probably be ignored. One hundred people cannot be ignored. Time demonstrations around crucial political moments such as near Election Day or, sadly, to bring awareness to an individual that died due to forced prohibition. Demonstrations should ultimately bring awareness to the cause and, because they are public, dont be surprised that new allies will jump in alongside you. Its amazing how many demonstrations Ive witnessed inadvertently become a recruitment drive. 7. Education. This is the pinnacle of any legitimate movement and is pretty much the quintessence of everything thusfar mentioned. It not only comes in the forms of letters and movements, but also through word of mouth and the distribution of materials on the subject. Consider not only discussing the idea of legal Medical Cannabis with your neighbors, but also your doctor, your coworkers (but carefully) and, yes, even your friendly neighborhood Chief of Police. Even if you change no minds, understand that youve planted a seed and one day, it may very well grow and bear fruit. If engaged in active discussion, not only be well-informed in facts but be prepared to face an opposition that will hit you with hard questions. The more prepared and professional you remain, the better the results. If talking isnt your thing, there are organizations that will give you or allow you to print educational materials. Leave it with your doctors or at the desk of a law enforcement officer. You never know, it may tip their fulcrum point to your favor. These are the top seven that immediately came to my mind. If anyone have tried these and found success, share your story. If anyone has other ideas, add to the list in comments. I cant express it enough, folks: Standing together and actively participating in reform is how we can hasten change. Why let others do it when you already have that power yourself? Prohibition is suffering and weve suffered enough. Lets rally for change.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 02:58:31 +0000

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