Ways to add more value to yourself.....earn to develop your skills - TopicsExpress


Ways to add more value to yourself.....earn to develop your skills by utilizing every available training. Expand your knowledge by reading books, articles and anything related to your talent or the skill you want to work on. There is a lot of information available on any subject you can think of, therefore, avail yourself of the opportunity. Be current about latest trends and advancements. Explore your creative side. There is a fountain of creativity within most of us that has never been tapped or never been used to its highest potential. Try writing that book, try learning to play that musical instrument, try making that jewelry, try painting etc. When you do this, you may just discover a talent that has been hidden in you all these years. Nurture your mind. Gain more knowledge. Grow your mental ability. Read, read, read. Dont just watch TV and movies. Virtually all highly successful people do some form of daily educational reading. Regardless of what they read, they make sure it contains useful and meaningful information from which they can benefit from in the long run. Statistics show that the average person reads less than 1 book per year. If you could read 1 book per week, that would mean about 52 books per year. Now imagine what an advantage that will give you over everyone else. Always be open to learn. There is an old saying which goes thus the more you know, the more you realize you dont know Only foolish people say they know everything. Have an open mind and learn. Never be afraid to ask for help from those who are ahead of you on your path. The points raised in this post may seem a little difficult to accomplish but as long as you set your mind to do them, you will. Please note that these points are inexhaustive as I do not have the luxury of time and space to go into more detailed explanations. Finally, for emphasis sake, let me cap it up by saying that if you must be the indispensable graduate, spouse or worker, strive to add more value to yourself. It places you above everyone else and it makes you more useful to others. It is only a person who has value that can add value to others. So, from today, make yourself an asset.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:48:38 +0000

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