We All Need to See the Heavenly Vision and Speak Heavenly Visions - TopicsExpress


We All Need to See the Heavenly Vision and Speak Heavenly Visions to Others Coming to the Bible in a routine way to merely do our Bible reading is not enough. Reading the Bible sequentially without touching the Lord will not do it. We need to come to the word of God, His speaking to us, by coming to God through the exercise of our spirit. We need to come into God’s light, confess our sins, and apply the precious blood of Christ to be cleansed and pure in heart. When we read the Bible we need to pray-read the word of God, mixing the word with our prayer with the exercise of our spirit and a strong AMEN! to God’s speaking. As we pray-read the word of God, we will receive a divine revelation, and the Spirit will shine over the revelation to make it a vision to us. We need to ask the Lord for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him (Eph. 1:17) and be under His light so that the revelation we receive from God’s word would become a vision to us. As we turn our heart to the Lord and remove any blockages between us and Him, the veil is taken away (2 Cor. 3:16), and we can see the Lord face to face in His word. Then, we can ask the Lord to enlighten the eyes of our heart that we may see the divine revelation, and He will shine on us to cause the revelation we see become a vision to us. Ezekiel saw visions of God: he saw the four living creatures, God’s throne, the move of God, and so many things; therefore, he conveyed these visions to others, and these visions governed his life (see Ezek. 1). As believers in Christ we shouldn’t merely speak doctrines or “Bible teachings” to others but we should have a heavenly vision and convey heavenly visions to others. When we come together to enjoy the Lord, when we meet one another, and even when we meet with non-believing friends, we should not minister theories, doctrines, concepts, spiritual opinions, or “systematized theology” but a vision from the open heavens (see 2 Tim. 2:2, 15, 25; 1 John 1:1-3; Rev. 1:11a). Every believer needs to see the heavenly vision by coming to the word of God in a fresh, new, and living way with the exercise of his spirit, and when he speaks, the heavenly vision will be conveyed to others also. May the Lord save us from having mere spiritual knowledge by reading the word of God. May we simply clear the way and open as wide as we can for the Lord to bring us into and under the heavenly vision, and may we speak from the heavenly vision conveying this vision to others also! Oh, may a clear, controlling vision of God’s economy direct our heart, and may everything we say be governed by this vision to convey this vision! Lord, save us from having mere knowledge by reading the Word of God and the ministry opening up the word of God. May we exercise our spirit and cooperate with You to remove any veil and obstacle to the divine light. We want to come to Your word through the exercise of our spirit to be unveiled, shined on, and filled with the heavenly vision. Lord, unveil us, unload us, and empty us from anything that would obstruct the seeing of the vision. May our speaking be filled with the heavenly vision to bring others also into a clear vision of Your economy. Amen
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:34:01 +0000

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