We Are Called With Purpose....... Go ye therefore, and teach - TopicsExpress


We Are Called With Purpose....... Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you– Matthew 28:19-20 Here Jesus precisely sums up the entire purpose of his church....the commission he has given us...... Go........We are not to simply wait for God to bring people across our path that may have an interest in the gospel.....We are to GO to all nations.....which includes our own neighborhoods......cities.....and countries!!......in the wonderful and powerful name of Jesus...... Teach........Our job is to disciple those who have never heard the gospel.....or who have never seen it lived out seriously and joyfully.......Inherent in Jesus’ command to disciple is the claim that ALL faiths are NOT equal.....and that Christianity has an exclusive and authoritative message........You are to TEACH others......because in Christ are hid ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge....Colossians 2:3...... Baptize.......Our teaching is not simply for the sake of information......it must be a call to action......When we accurately and uncompromisingly present the truth of Christ......it will necessarily include a call to commitment.....and it will require a public profession of faith.......BAPTISM is only fitting for those who have been discipled...... those who have come to believe......and those who by faith embrace the triune God of the Bible....... Teaching them........Too often churches focus so much on outreach that they neglect the vital......tough work......of ongoing training and instruction.......Our goal should be for God’s people to actively pursue ALL things that Jesus has commanded concerning them......... Ask yourself these questions today......Are you going???...... Are you discipling??????..... Are you publicly professing Christ?????......and in the Love of our Father......Make the Necessary adjustment......We Are Called....With Purpose!!!!! Good morning Father....Today I want to Thank you for Sandys Cafe....Thank you for the opportunity to share Your Word....and usher you into the day.....Thank You for Your commandments that give us direction.....Thank You for establishing principles that are grounded in Godliness....that we may uphold and apply Your desire in our lives......Here I am Father...stand boldly before you.....Help me as I Go.....give me wisdom to DISCIPLE.....Draw by Your spirit so that people who hear your Word..make personal commitment......Keep me Focused Abba on training and instruction.....Help me Father as I reach with Your Love...to build Your Kingdom....In Jesus name.....Amen..... Have a day of self inventory.....in the privacy of your fellowship with your Father.....recommit your ways.....fine tune your Going....engage in Discipleship......and be a walking Profession of Christ.....You Are Loved!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:48:12 +0000

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