We Ashura ( we revival of Ashura ) We Ashura Entrance - TopicsExpress


We Ashura ( we revival of Ashura ) We Ashura Entrance systematically : Many are religious events which stores values and concepts , customs and traditions in human societies and perhaps religion title Mtogl foot in the lives of human beings , where we can not imagine a meeting humanly away from the idea of religion, regardless of their credibility Onoeitha divine the mother of the floor , and the appropriate title is of close contact incident historical every religion , these Christians live birth of Christ Jesus in their own way and on the basis of the cumulative historical occasion in conscience Christian as well as different perceptions about the birth of every Christian denomination , the same thing almost holds the Jews , but he was less and are not entirely clear , because the Jewish community closed on humanity and sits in hymns historical myths , this can not easily audit in Almnaspatah movement among Jews , like other religions , there are many paradoxes between the Jewish communities ... But we Muslims have on numerous occasions regarding our religion, religion and our neighborhoods of these events varies according to Islamic societies and also schools of Islamic jurisprudence and its view of the analytical that occasion or to transfer multiple through the axes of interest and awareness of the value of that occasion and objectives, what interests us in this article brief is the anniversary of a significant impact of greatness in the conscience Islamic modern and spacious in the entire Islamic heritage and thermoplastic all schools , and great because they represent a substantial area in Islam temporally and Rsalia ... It Ashura, an Arabic word talked about Noble Prophet (r) throughout his life pure apostolic great , where addressed Prophet beloved (r) of all aspects of life and perhaps the specificity of this word in an interview with the Messenger of Allah (r) and focus them and call to stay in Rahabha because they had linked character Islamic great time the whole personality of the depth of the Messenger of Allah (r) , a character who lived in the cradle of prophecy and raised in the Commission of Islam and drew strength from the House of Wisdom Islamic figure was the Messenger of Allah (r) the most beautiful representation of epistolary since her childhood until her testimony , carried the right spirit and attitude and the movement and aspirations , personal love all Muslims who lived through the Messenger of Allah (r) and committed close to him and believe in his message and even non-Muslims are fair , personalized never lived to the same one iota but was Pklha of the Messenger of Allah فعاشت God and the Messenger of Allah and the right and truth, justice, Islam authentic that enriches the lives of one of us piety , patience and faith and Nora , as they light from the light and decorated the heavens and the earth , and I love the people for the people of the sky , including the inhabitants of the earth as Tell Abdullah bin Amrbn - Aas and Omar ibn al-Khattab ( ......) in the books of accounts of public ... It Imam Hussein bin Ali Murtada and Fatima Zahra peace be upon them , wanted us Mustafa ( r) that evoke Ashura in Rehab Hussein peace be upon him because of Ashura Moses, peace be upon him has immortalized the Koran great but Ashura Hussein wanted her to die , although it is immortal through Islam historic thermoplastic prophets Gods peace be upon them , the fact that the spirit of Hussein , peace be upon him did not come as any spirit to live among the people and lead scenario in the human drama and undermine and Sam certificate and then rise of the isthmus and is waiting for the account ... Never, she lives soldier that does not stop in time and place , it is the spirit beyond the life of the world to get back to even sing the truth is spotless that guide the Drifters and promote بالمستضعفين and upholding the oppressed and expose the hypocrites and the groove Shaath dispersed , is the spirit I want her to remain in spite of envy and hate and wrath and misguided , the spirit of the spirit of the Messenger of Allah , and vice versa , being Banbjustha the Alnoarnah in Ashura continued Mohammadi loud sound in the world of people , defying every injustice and arrogance ... To stop here because me with light eyes and darling and Sidi Moulay Abu Abdullah Hussein no secret I share it only especially loved ones , Valhasin of the spaciousness of each sincere joy is far from dull grief ... Promises to start this is Ashura Hussein, peace be upon him replace us coming from the memory of the Prophet least and Karbala history first and never, do not need to digression history, causes and consequences Those Detectives found books of historical fair and meaningful from the presence of the two schools , what concerns us a single question : What feature of the relationship between us and Ashura message? Where before access to clarify the purposes of this problem has to be that draw , dear reader , to two issues : First : We mean by Muslims and not because Hussein doctrine of the Messenger of Allah and the Messenger of Allah Hussein and both schools respect for Hussein , but says that there are discrepancies in the methodology of dealing with personal Hussein and respected. Second : Ashura occasion stores a spatially Rsalia history , and subject to the Islamic legislation received from the Messenger of Allah about them and not social custom and traditional genetic approach that often gives the appropriate contexts far from the conservative Islamic authenticity on the spirit of responsibility among the Muslim person . There are issues that should be when you try to anticipate any order Otttalaa Oparwa , as that of the mind to investigate one all his actions and emotions before they are issued , otherwise it is foolish not aware of all the issues with him , blind in his life blindly and this eye heart disease, and it is feasible and beneficial for the Muslim prophetess to review the facts events of sources and checking accounts and details of history, but was positive for ignorance of someone who drank medication without knowledge you help him to دائه Obla contacting doctors Oshehadla to guide him to the drug properly , so be إنساننا Muslim conscious of its responsibility , knowing his history of Islamic and his characters and his Islamic responsibility and even gaining insight to his conversion to Islam must mobilize all the intellectual capacity and moral and spiritual Review Map self meeting who lives within his constituency and even can read the correct sick at the thought of heritage , customs and worship and there which relates to the culture of religious , where the culture of religious people are not the culture of religion, the wheat from the chaff where authentic and ideological , where rationality and fancy and so on , which spoil the scientific spirit when the majority of religious people, for this Dealing and interact with Ashura not be true only through awareness of the spirit of Ashura any mission for generations to Muslim and humanity as a whole , and if we really want to arrange our home Islamic including يهيؤه because the image of the urbanization of the Islamic civilization and the Islamic Sharia , which fills the mind, heart and life in truth and honesty , this is an ambitious need to discourage spirit and the will of thought and experience dynamic reform is not afraid to anybody as long to stand in front of all that would distort the message of Ashura Hussein Otmesha Oostthmarha in its projects self Vashoura Hussein were not the preserve of the doctrine without doctrine did not speak on behalf of range without Others were al-Faisal to the suspicion of falsehood right Voamatt the fake revealed Islam in her speech was not only there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God. Ashura gave birth to men making a smile on the faces of the oppressed, Ashura Hussein message civilized , suggest that the cultural building in need of a culture of civilized Islamic Muhammadiyah sings presence monotheism Net , its the title Rashad humanitarian Rebel injustice and الإستدمار contempt and Huns and humiliation , its a culture of radical reform, of Alkhljh attack to Islamic Movement, was an assessment of his two goals certificates , prayer and fasting , almsgiving and pilgrimage in Rehab coefficient of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice , Ashura message is the Default scientific jurisprudential cultural revolutionary and discuss Khatib increased awareness of the masses of the collective mind to mind missionary , Ashura renewal of Islamic life without compromising Bhlal Muhammad and Hramh which remains until the Day of Resurrection , Ashura Islamic peace for all humanity that Husseiniya not issue hollow uprising were to breach the security of the Islamic State but was a political renaissance in the heart of the Islamic nation to preserve the value of the major human freedom and dignity, spirit ... Thus Ashura that can Takln and reality , united and collected and made him force Hussienieh top of Muhammadiyah Islamic super , indents souls and suitable conditions and spread peace and believe in dating , communication and coexistence ... Ashura Islam is that we open our hearts to the Noor Al Hussein and minds to sermons Hussein and homes for the nation s grandfather Hussein ... Ashura Islam to speak in the name of Islamic Hussein, be Hasinaa the Vtansr all Muslims wherever they are ... Ashura is not a mood Omehrjana Ovolklora popularly , for Ashura value of an Islamic superpower where prayer to God and His Messenger and pure and companions valued and fasting for hatred and lies, insults and blasphemy and cunning and falsehood and oppression of women , newborn and zakat for the same from Georha and فجورها and desires pilgrimage to the heart and mind to the good Vmkh Valkovh فكربلاء and overflights in Rehab Muslim world ... This is the Ashura It is a revolution of self and society when they fall both Rsalia of the conflict in the realm of wills right and wrong ... It remains to Ashura voice Heated We because reviewing his movement and its value and his every move through time and space and all life , and so it is not Islam lick on our tongues as narrated by Imam Hussein , peace be upon him and Ashura tenth of Muharram only ... Come نتواضع to our Islam and the great personalities who inspired them apostolic and insight , patience and wisdom and gumption to be eligible for affiliation and belonging to Islam in Ashura life and all events that focus Islamic unity and diversity plans to unification message service in the world and not vice versa ... To modernize our wives and our children and our families and our loved ones and neighbors for Ashura Islam we call the culture of Ashura with the culture of unity and coexistence and Nsd holes quarrel with love Hussein and his family pure and companions righteous , think and do because the remains Hussein headline Islamic gives the humane culture of Islamic life and Tqahmoa Hussein in your differences phantom, happened people about Hussein him peace has happened all the people كجده the Messenger of Allah (r) and his father Murtadha (AS) and his mother Zahra ( AS) and his brother Mujtaba (AS) , they knew your daughters and wives and mothers and sisters Islamic for Eqaila Zainab peace be upon her and Ms. paper and Ms. Sakina mother of boys, Jalsoa young men shall talk about the denominator the largest and the young man who sang , saying : Amiri Hussein Sorour Yes Prince Fouad al - Bashir prognostic Ali and Fatima and her parents do you know him from the match His countenance like the sun morn him by surprise like Badr Munir And told to old men shall Habib Ben Asadi manifestations and Zuhair bin Qain and Muslim bin Asugh and Kholkm for Muslim bin Aqeel and free bin Ziyad Riahi and Imam Abbas , peace be upon him ... Canal opened in the name of Hussein gathering of Muslims and serve their conditions and a platform for the Islamic culture Hussein sent away from sectarian tension and sectarian node ... Thus, in May and perhaps approaching Ashura to live honestly right and justice and radiate light of the message of Islam Mohammadi presence Husseini stay and appreciate the fact that the Christian dialogue with Hussein through Fenda biography Hussein know about the truth of Christ , peace be upon him ... Today We need to مرحمة the O Muslims Valhasin peace be upon him lived Islam compassion because of the Messenger of Allah remained by side his grandfather and his father and his mother and brother to spread compassion worlds , God willing , what would you like Hussein , peace be upon him in truth and justice ? Do you have mastered the deployment of compassion or you do not know , but the appeal and insults and atonement and the band? Enough O Muslims , do not be loved Hussein In Rehab Ashura letter unless lived authentic Islam as lived by Imam Hussein , peace be upon him ... Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God , sir , Moulay and a light heart and Emami and Beserta and قدوتي and peace grandfather Mustafa and father Matrudi and mother infallible and your brother Mujtaba and the imams of the child and noble Companions do not make Gods Last Testament me to you, O servants of Allah righteous ... Praise be to Allah , Lord of the Worlds
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:32:41 +0000

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