We Can Always Go Home Luke 15:11-32 The Prodigal Son I believe - TopicsExpress


We Can Always Go Home Luke 15:11-32 The Prodigal Son I believe we are all familiar with the story of the prodigal son in the Gospel of Luke. He was a greedy and selfish son who decided he wanted what was to be given to him at the time of his father’s death so that he could enjoy himself in the now. After squandering every penny he had, his party buddies disappeared and he was left alone to fend for himself. Due to a famine in the area jobs were scarce. He had to feed the pigs, at times he was so hungry that he wished he could eat the pods that made up the pigs diet! In case you didn’t know a Jew would not be caught dead near a pig, not to feed it, nor to eat it. As a Jew, having any contact with pigs was considered detestable. He had hit rock bottom. Upon reasoning that his father’s servants ate better he gathered himself up to return home to ask for forgiveness, resolving that if his father was in agreement he would work as one of his father’s servants. This young man had squandered all of his inheritance, he repented and he returned home to a hero’s welcome! His father through the biggest party and had him dressed in the finest apparel! This is a perfect illustration of how God welcomed sinners who come to Him! Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom to realize the blessings that we unjustly receive. Sometimes it just feels like you have gone too far to come back. Too far to ask for forgiveness, too far to simply turn around and repent. Acknowledging the problem is the first step towards total surrender. That is what the prodigal son did. He surrendered and returned to his father’s house hoping that he could work as a servant to earn his keep. Imagine his surprise when his father ran to greet him and welcomed him back to the position he had before he left! There are times when folks feel they are “deserving.” They want what they want and they want it now. Be it accolades, recognition, or an inheritance. None of which are truly deserving of any of us. Jesus came in humility, to serve and not be served. He came that we may have life eternal, not praise, or celebrations on our behalf, not money, cars, riches, houses, diamonds or pearls!! He came that we might have eternal life. Period. He calls us to serve as He served…..in humility and love. This young man had a “Nebuchadnezzar” experience. But after coming to the end of his rope and in total despair, “He came to himself” in repentance. He knew that he had no right to be treated as a son, but he reasoned that being a servant in his father’s household would be better than living the life he was living. He humbled himself and because he humbled himself his father received him. I imagine this young man rehearsing over and over what he would say to his father. He was courageous enough to admit that he had sinned and ask to come home and be treated as a hired man. He assumed he would not, could not be forgiven and that he would be merely tolerated. But God…..! What a beautiful picture of the father waiting and looking for his son! And recognized him while he was in the distance!!! According to the Old Testament Law….he should have been stoned to death because of the disgrace he had brought his family and the community. But God…….with heart overflowing compassion for his child, the father ran (he RAN) to his son and embraced him and kissed him and welcomed him home!! Before he could blurt out a word the father interrupted him because he could not contain his joy!! After calling the servants to begin the preparation for a grand celebration he called for the robe, the ring, and the sandals for his son------all designed to confirm his status and restoration as his son! Then the father called for the fattened calf to be killed, that calf was kept for special occasions, and the father showed by this action that he felt his son’s return was worthy of its use!! His son had been as good as dead and was now alive!!! He was lost and now was found…..!! No matter what has gone on in our lives, God, the loving heavenly Father, never, ever gives up on waiting for his loved ones to come home. He waits to welcome us with open arms!! I love the story of the Prodigal son.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 22:53:34 +0000

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