We Kill Spiders, Dont We??? I personally do not kill spiders. - TopicsExpress


We Kill Spiders, Dont We??? I personally do not kill spiders. However, my wife does in a heartbeat without hesitation! The question really is not whether we kill spiders, but why? Of course we know the answer is fear. We kill things we are fearful of whether or not there is any real risk to us. Snakes, spiders, insects, ants, people. Did I say people?? Of course I did. We kill spiders, so why should we not kill people? America is great at killing people we fear might harm us. Terrorists? Should they all die at our hands? I think a lot depends on the definition. We do not kill wife beaters who terrorize their families. We fear foreign and domestic terrorists. We risk and lose lives of many young soldiers at war with terrrorists. In the end, the more we kill, the more are inducted into the terrorist mindset. I love my country but for one thing. We are the most violent, war prone, quick to anger, easy to manipulate because of our fear, country that has ever existed. Sure, we have the military power and the means to kill anyone we choose. Some would say that is why we are hated by so many people around the world. Our power is not the problem, nor the reason we are hated. We are hated because we have and still do exercise our power around the world to kill people. To many in the world, we are the giant and deadly spider. Terrorism is a problem. Immigration is a problem. Obesity is a problem. None of the problems we face will ever be contained by violence. I wish we were more like Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand, Austria, Switzerland. I just named the top five most peaceful countries rated by the Global Peace Index in 2013. The U.S. is at number 100 and losing ground. Part of our problem is we have 25% of the worlds incarcerated, and only 5% of the worlds population. There is something really wrong with that equation. We are headed in the wrong direction. We must find the peace within our boundaries first, and make peace with the rest of the world secondly, if we expect to be respected rather than hated by our peers. Peace and be well my friends!!!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 19:51:06 +0000

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