We Say We Believe Gods Word, But Do We Act Like It? One of our - TopicsExpress


We Say We Believe Gods Word, But Do We Act Like It? One of our biggest problems in our Christian walk and growth and within the Church as a whole, IS: Failing to act like Gods Word is true. If you ask most Christians if they believe the Bible and what it says, most would answer: Oh, yes. Then do you believe that the Bible is the Word of God? Oh Yes, I do, if God says it, I believe it and that settles it. It is very necessary to realize that people can be very sincere -- very sincerely wrong -- and end up being destroyed by the spirit of evil, even though what they many intend to do is right in their own minds. You MAY say you believe in the Bible. That means that you are a doer of the Word and not a hearer only (as found in James 1:25). If you believe it, yet fail to do it, it looks like you do not believe it, does it not? Yet, if you say you believe God, that means you believe His Word, because God and His Word are one and NOT many different parts. You CANNOT believe the Bible and NOT believe God. Actually the same is true of everyone that we come into contact with. If I tell you something and you believe me, that means that you also believe my word, because I and my word are one. If then, you believe Gods Word, you will then have NO hesitation in also doing what His Word says to do . If we SAY we believe everything God says in His Word about me, about you or the circumstances of our lives, IF we really believed, then we could do nothing but ACT like we believe and Do what God has asked us to do to overcome our problems, our sicknesses and our fears. Let us call to mind just one example. Remember how our Lord said that WE were to take charge and have the responsibility for things here in this world? How, you say? Why would Satan do anything I instructed him to do? Good question! But you see it is not you that is doing the instructing, for when we walk in Gods Faith and not just trust in ourselves, THEN Satan is simply responding to what GOD has ordered him to do. It is not us at all that is doing or getting the job done, but only GOD working through us. It is important for us to memorize some important passages in the Bible because we need to have them at our finger tips when needed. For instance, in the New Testament: James 4:7: Submit (i.e. surrender, give yourself to, become one with, claim and confess your relationship with, to voluntarily give) yourselves therefore to God (i.e. in absolute terms, with NO reservations of any kind). RESIST the devil, and he will flee from you. You must realize that most Christians, sad as it is, do not know that verse and could not quote it to you if their life depended on it. Somehow we have it in our minds that we can just claim the parts of Gods Kingdom that WE want, when we want it. Most Christians if they know this verse at all, only remember the last part: Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Please understand that the WHOLE verse applies to its use. It you do not submit yourself to God FIRST, you can resist the devil or his demons all night and all day, and he will NEVER flee from you, why? -- because you are not claiming God as your source, your head, your absolute and only strength, safety and focal point in your life. What else do we need to know? Well, we need to always pray in the Present. Wee, what does that mean? It means that we have a present tense God, whose name is: I AM, THAT I AM. You can only pray in the present. Let us go back, one more time and review a passage we have already looked at, but this time really go through it. Remember Mark 11:24? Therefor I way unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them. Notice in this verse from the Gospel of Mark, that Jesus does not say, Feel like you receive them. He also does not say Understand, that you receive them. He simply says, Believe it. If you believe the Bible, you will then ACT like what it ways is true, and this includes Mark 11:24. Look folks, let us really get down to it and get busy and really understand what and how to pray, OK. Let us take Mark 11:24 and really look at what it is telling us. When you have this principle down -- I mean really understand it, then perhaps you will start praying JUST a little bit differently. Let us take this process, point by point until we really understand what this verse in Mark 11:24 if really telling us. 1. Notice this verse says BELIEVE that you receive. If you BELIEVE that you received what you asked God for, that means you do not physically have it yet. For instance: Go you believe you are reading this lesson right now? If you say YES you are missing the whole point. Once you see something, have something, you DO NOT have to believe it. 2. Let us look at the next part of this verse, now. Therefore I say unto you, What soever you desire, when you pray. Your/our desire is to be released -- when? When you pray. We must learn to release, let go of, the desire for what ever it is that we just prayed for, for NOW we have it. If you dont do something about your desire, it will bring you to doubt God and that you really have what you have prayed for or that God has not answered you in some way. Remember, once again, any time you pray, has to be NOW. You are never in the process of actually, physically DOING SOMETHING in the future, or in the past. For instance, you dont stand in the shower with the water running and then say to yourself, I am going to take a shower in five minutes. You are taking the shower at the moment the water is running -- in the present. right NOW. Praying and believing when you pray -- works the same way. 3. The verse goes on to tell us: When you pray, believe that you receive them (i.e. the things that you desire), and you shall have them. When are we going to have the things that we have prayed for, using the formula above? It is so simple that almost everyone stumbles over it. You are going to have them AFTER you pray and BELIEVE that you receive them. Only after that are you going to have them. or receive them. 4. Please notice, that you will not have those things when you pray. Otherwise, you would not have to shall have them later. Shall have them, is future tense, but the future is predicated or based on, the present. It is important here that we remind ourselves that the future is never going to come to pass UNTIL and after, the present has come to pass -- and the present is that: you have to believe that you receive them -- when you pray. So how long AFTER do we have to wait? Jesus does not say. It could be one second after you pray, or one year after you pray. The important part of the prayer is that you have TO BELIEVE that you receive first, before the SHALL HAVE can ever occur.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:29:27 +0000

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