We The People should observe a National Anti-Bigot Day, to - TopicsExpress


We The People should observe a National Anti-Bigot Day, to confront and to criticise radicalized Islamo-Terrorist Militant Muslims and other religious, ethnic, or racial Bigots. All of us should wear World War II-style Jewish Star of David armbands and be staging protest pickets at all Islamic diplomatic posts and Mosques, as well as staging anti-bigot protests at Stone Mountain GA, the birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan. The Judeo-Christian unbigoted majority of the rest of us could each wear our Star of David armbands in public, as a heartfelt anti-bigot statement of solidarity with the Ethical Humanitarian Correct position of ZERO TOLERANCE popular confrontation and criticism of radicalized militant Islamo-terrorists, and also as being forever opposed to all bigoted racism, which society should view as a syndrome of the mental illness of ethnic delusional grandeur. If the Tea Party National Movement is the originator of this well-reasoned Ethical Humanitarian Correct idea, we will have demonstrated that the Tea Party is not full of racists like the liberal liars say! When a liar claims that tea party people are bigots, just pull your Star of David armband out of a pocket or purse and say Bigot you say- heres PROOF of my anti-bigotry, where is YOURS? Either put up, or shut up!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 19:23:55 +0000

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