We Want to be Left Behind RAPTURE: We want to be Left Behind - TopicsExpress


We Want to be Left Behind RAPTURE: We want to be Left Behind I believe that most of us have heard of the one great Hint that was given by the Lord in response to the question of the timing of His Return, right? This is speaking of His Physical Return to Earth. The answer is that it will be just like it was in the Days of Noah when He returns. I also believe that most Christians dont even pay close attention to His reply. Luke 17:26-27 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all . Now, that we are paying attention, the question is, Who was taken and who rode out the storm? The answer to who were taken and why, has been covered on this site so much yet it seems no one really grasps how serious it was with God of how his perfectly created human race... created out of His own DNA...disobeyed Him and had intermarried with the Seeds of the Fallen Ones and taken up the pagan ways of worshipping those Fallen Angels as gods and goddess. But if you have been taught by your theologians there was no such thing as a Fallen Race born as the result of the Garden fiasco, then you dont even pay attention to why God would have to destroy this whole world population except for Noah and his family. Isnt it time to learn the truth about this fact so that you can begin to grasp the rest of the story? God had no choice but to send the World Wide Flood to destroy all except Noah and his wife, his three sons and their wives, who were the only ones still pure in their DNA if there would be a people left who were still genetically pure through whom would come the Messiah who would save the people out of their sin. You see, only Jesus Christ could undo what Lucifer accomplished in the Garden when he begat his own Seed. I know there are many younger ones out there that may follow the likes of Lady Gaga so let me ask you, why is it she made the remark on late night television that she was portraying the coming of a Race within a Race? These are not just empty words but out of the mouth of one who is of the Illuminati Blood-line that wants to get rid of the Christian and the Hebrews and take up residence upon earth forever with their god sitting upon the throne of Jerusalem. Notice who is doing everything to get rid of you and survive what is coming so they can stay? This is why it is so important to read the many resources on this site regarding what really took place in the Garden when Lucifer began his own race of 1/2 humans and 1/2 Fallen Angels. Please remember this point as we learn a bit more about why we dont want to be taken. The clue is, The Fallen Ones get removed. The answer by Jesus goes on, Luke17: 34-35 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. The Lord is consistent. He is again telling us that one will be taken and one left. However, who is inconsistent with their explanation are those that say, The Righteous are taken and the Unrighteous are Left Behind. We have Jesuit University trained theologians teaching this. Really? Go back and read again. The Unrighteous were taken out of the earth and the Righteous left. The next verse asks where they were taken. Luke 17:36 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together. Where do the Eagles and other birds of prey such as Vultures gather? They swoop down among the Bodies of the Dead. This is not just speaking of the physical dead but the spiritual dead. The Eagles are also another metaphor for the A/C powers who have gathered under the insignia of the Eagle (Sign of Dan) We know that A/C and the False Prophet will come out of that one Tribe along with Ephraim that is eliminated from the 12 Tribes of Israel. These Eagles, the servants of the A/C and False Prophet will be removed and put into the Abyss. Joining them are all of those who chose A/C rather than Jesus Christ. Lets go on to another example of who is taken and who is left. The Angel of Death that carries these Dead away is also known as The Destroyer. This is an actual angel that came through in the days of Exodus, when Moses, while he was preparing the Israelites for their journey to leave Egypt. They were told to put the Blood of the Lamb on their door-posts which protected them during the time that the Death Angel killed the unrighteous first born and they were taken to the Abyss. Did you notice here, again, that the Righteous were left if they were under the protection of The Blood of the Passover Lamb (Jesus Christ) ? And when the Egyptians got all their chariots, captains, priests and solders together to bring them back, who got saved? Who died in the waters of the Red Sea where their chariots are seen to this day? This plan of Gods for His own people has always been to protect them and to take out the Unrighteous. The Rapture Baloney, of those that follow the teachings of the Seed of Satan, have actually twisted the true facts, teaching you that you will be removed when it is just the opposite, it is they who will be removed from their diabolic plan to set up Satans Kingdom here on earth . Do you really believe Christ will allow them to remain? No Way. He will destroy them at His coming. He saved the Children of Israel from the Death Angel, He saved the Righteous Seed of Noah and his family from the Flood. Over and over again, when you read all of the Bible, you see God saving His own from the hands of the wicked and turning the tables back upon the wicked. But, please do not think, you can merely sit back and think that you have to do nothing to be a part of those that are Saved from those that hate you. Notice this scripture that you will be, here during Great Tribulation and you will be betrayed by others, hated an delivered up. Matthew 24:9-10 Then they will deliver YOU up to tribulation and kill YOU, and YOU will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be How can they betray you if you have been Raptured Out? I know the answer that one, which the Jesuit taught theologians will tell you. They say that is the Jews. Go to the Books of Joe Ortiz and find out who are Israel and who are the Jews. Christians may be very surprised to find out that they are the very ones that Jesus said He came to save...The Whole of the House of Israel, whom had traveled to Asia Minor and on to Europe where they soon were reached by Paul and the others that taught the Gospel of their Messiah to them. There were Gentiles grafted into ecclesia (church) Do you see how lame that excuse is that this is all pertaining to the Jews? No, a hundred times no. The Leadership in Jerusalem today, by and large, are not even of the Blood-line of Hebrew Children BUT are of the Blood-line of Enoch/Edom who hates them and wants Jerusalem for his own. They are using the true Jews in Israel that still do not believe in Messiah to build the Temple for their god, Lucifer. Again, we know that these same ones that give you these false tales do not seem to know the difference between the Jews and the Israelites or do they and are, shamelessly lying to you, the unsuspecting ones? All that Jesus spoke to his apostles and the people were in regard to what would happen to them in the end of days. On Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit fell, He convicted many more to the truths of their Messiah. Word began to spread....all the way into the four corners of the world. Rev. 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Notice, Dear People, this scripture is speaking about all people, which includes you if you are a believer in Christ Jesus? I have hit upon a whole different aspect to show why the believers, be they Israelites/Gentiles are still here or else the A/C would not have the authority to go after you. By time this happens, you are either a believer or you are totally under the domination of the A/C because he has made it so hard for you to exist without his benefits. Gerlinda Please watch this video: https://youtube/watch?v=QOoPyuNCwZE
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 00:36:51 +0000

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