We Were Made To Be As HE is... By Larry Harris, Servant-Leader, - TopicsExpress


We Were Made To Be As HE is... By Larry Harris, Servant-Leader, Apostle, Founder Manifested Sons of GOD International F.A.I.T.H. Ministries We were made to be as HE is and given our true identity as manifested Sons of GOD elevated from once being servants of sin to Sonship now being made R.I.C.H. (Royally Infused of CHRISTS Heritage) in the Most High GOD... JESUS said, You are in ME and I AM in you and I and the FATHER are one. O.u.r. (Omnipotent ultimate redeemer) has given all humankind HIS divinely inspired word of HIM the Most High Living GOD as the B.I.B.L.E. (Believers Instructions while living & Before Leaving Earth)! The B.I.B.L.E. is an instruction manuel of how we are to live on earth and what we are to do before departing to be in the presence of the LORD. It contains the Believers & Followers of CHRIST Heavenly Constution and is filled with our Bill of Rights an Explanation Of Benefits (EOBs) for all whosoever will believe that HE is the LORD of Lords, KING of Kings, JESUS the CHRIST, the anointed one with all power on flesh, YESHUA Ha-MASHIACH, the propitiation for all the sins of humankind, IMMANUEL, GOD among & with us... This is why we have been commanded to work out our own salvation in fear and trembling as we are instructed & learn by the wisdom & knowledge of HOLY SPIRIT as we get in all our getting a full understanding of the G.R.A.C.E. (Gifts & giftedness Received At CHRISTS Expense) paid for by HIS finished work on the cross so we can reverently f.e.a.r. (face everything and rise) above all adversity, doubt and F.E.A R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) that the devil would attempt to bring... Let us allow the GOD of all G.R.A.C.E. SPIRIT that is greater than he that is in the world is even greater is and has been placed upon & within us is the manifold; meaning many levels, kinds & measures of, Kingdom promised blessing; meaning empowerment by in of through and with GOD! You and I were made to and for L.O.V.E. (Living Omnipotently Victoriously Eternally-everlasting) being destined to reign with HIM forevermore...
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 09:04:30 +0000

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