We Won: Must Hold Their Feet to the Fire written by Conservative - TopicsExpress


We Won: Must Hold Their Feet to the Fire written by Conservative Campaign Committee Chairman Lloyd Marcus: Lloyd reports... Folks, please do not get me wrong: I am elated that the GOP has won control of the Senate. Despite their faults, the GOP is closest to our principles and values. Also, we desperately needed to dethrone evil madmen Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader. However, I must confess that it was annoying to watch Karl Rove on TV pounding his chest in victory about how he and his group pushed the Tea Party nut candidates out of the race. Rove had the nerve to say he and his people wanted the best electable conservative candidates. That simply is not true. Chris McDaniel, to name one, in Mississippi was an awesome extremely electable Tea Party conservative who was pushed out of the race with GOP dirty tricks which included race-baiting. Yes, you heard me correctly. The GOP establishment machine engaged in the Democrat-gutter, tried and true, despicable tactic of race-baiting to screw McDaniel. I know. I know. Youre saying, Cmon, Lloyd, thats in the past. We won. Celebrate and get over it. Sorry, folks. I expect better from our side. Rove and his deep-pocketed homey’s strategy of the GOP keeping a low profile and letting Obama hang himself worked okay. Unfortunately, exit polling revealed that the GOP is still viewed unfavorably by a majority of voters. Given the horrors and scandals of the Obama regime, the Republican wave should have been a tsunami. What if the GOP had offered an agenda inspiring people to vote FOR them rather than AGAINST Obama? What if the GOP boldly articulated why conservatism is the best and most direct path for each and every American to achieve their American dream? Patriots, we must be more mobilized and engaged than ever. We must do everything in our power to push the GOP into doing what we worked our butts off for them to do: Stop Obamas Agenda! D.C. insiders say that the GOP strategy is not to push back too soon or too hard against Obamas agenda as not to be called arrogant, aggressive and mean by the MSM. The game plan is to play nice with Obama as not to hinder our chances of winning the White House in 2016. These D.C. insiders also say repealing Obamacare is impossible and the best that we in the Tea Party can hope for is for the GOP to fix it. Mitt Romney said upon the GOP winning the Senate an immigration bill would be top priority. You see where this is headed folks? The GOP plans to go swishy on us and implement a Democrat-lite agenda. We can not and will not allow them to get away with it. I am proposing that the united forces of the Tea Party launch “Operation Hold Their Feet to the Fire”. Folks, we have brilliant minds on our side. I have met many of you traveling on over a dozen national bus tours, attending over 400 tea party rallies. I challenge you to think of strategic ways to turn the GOPs agenda to our agenda; repeal Obamacare, secure our borders, fiscal responsibility, restoring our freedom and liberty and turn us back to one nation under God. Ronald Reagan: “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you dont care who gets the credit.” Article written by Lloyd Marcus, Conservative Campaign Committee Chairman / 1 Million People to Defeat Barack Obama Read more at:chattanoogaville/articles/article/-we-won-must-hold-their-feet-to-the-fire-written-by-conservative-campaign-committee-chairman-lloyd-marcus
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 11:29:32 +0000

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