We all experience pain. For many the distress of emotional pains - TopicsExpress


We all experience pain. For many the distress of emotional pains ranks higher than most physical ones. The pain of seeing a loved one going in the wrong direction. The pain of empty dreams and shattered hopes. The pain of a barren womb and futile pleasures. The pain of losing someone to betrayal and the grave. The pain of rejection. The pain of losing it all. The pain of realizing you are all alone and no one is listening. The pain of having to say goodbye. Some days you just want to sing: Pain, Pain, Go Away; Do Not Return Another Day. I want to minister to those who are in pain. And if you are not, hold on to this word because pain is not a respector of persons; pain does not discriminate. The greatest test of your faith is going to show up when you are in pain. Whatever you think you are made up of will be challenged. But do not suffocate your pain; it is proof that you are still alive. Instead allow your pain to have purpose. Let it be the birth place of new vision, new insight, new opportunities, new ministry. Like a compass let it guides you into uncharted waters of your spirit where unparalleled strength and confidence resides. Use it as the fuel that ignites your prayer life and bring unprecedented miracles to your life. Hold on through your pain. Be reminded: “Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning” Psalm 30:5. New season. New Shift. Unstoppable. Have a wonderful Tuesday. CharmainG.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 13:02:49 +0000

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