We all feel angry at times - its part of life. But we still have - TopicsExpress


We all feel angry at times - its part of life. But we still have choice whether we are going to stay in control of our anger or let it control us. In this weeks Torah portion, Jacobs sons, Judah and Joseph, have a tense and potentially explosive confrontation. Even though there were plenty of reasons for them to feel angry, the men were able to control their anger and speak respectfully to each other. In life, we too have to know that even in our most angry moments, we still have the power to keep our behavior under control. Our sages consider how we handle anger to be a key indicator of our inner character. Why do you think this is so? A. The persona that someone shows to the world does not always reveal his true character. People often put on a mask that can give an inaccurate impression of their true personality. Anger removes the mask. It comes upon a person suddenly and causes him to react instinctively, often revealing parts of his personality that would otherwise remain below the surface. A person who can be genuinely angry and remain a mensch shows what he is really made of.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 01:15:01 +0000

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