We all feel that life should be easy but, sometimes life can be a - TopicsExpress


We all feel that life should be easy but, sometimes life can be a mess. I sometimes talk to and pray with people who tell me their life is a mess. It seems as though anything that can go wrong, does go wrong! It’s what we call “Murphy’s Law”. Life gets in turmoil and becomes a complete mess! I’m sure most of us have been there. I have at times, that is for sure. What is “mess?” It is defined as the absence of all logic, truth and order in our lives. If it is not logical or does not make sense, it’s mess. If it is not true, it is “mess.” If it is out of order, it’s “mess.” When things do not make sense, we say it’s a big mess. It happens when people gossip and spread lies. When your house or a room gets hit by a 5 year old (happens to mine), or even a situation is out of order and in complete chaos, again we say it’s a “mess.” The way I see it, to avoid being a mess we must have all three: logic, truth and order. Whenever one of the three qualities is missing, it’s a mess. When our lives are out of control, in shambles or when we begin to do things that are stupid, and we start to feel that our lives are a complete mess. When we can’t get control of our time, arrange our lives in the way want them or discipline ourselves, we say we are in a mess. Most people have made a mess of their lives because they either lost, logic, truth or order in their lives. Some have made a complete mess of their lives because they have lost all three. We have those oops moments in our lives. Have you ever caught yourself saying Uh Oh? Most people, while struggling and striving to live a positive, productive life, reach a point to which they can be disappointed with themselves in one way or another. Dealing with life can be a private war, an internal struggle that is not seen by others but is felt by every person, from time to time, as we measure where God wants us to be and where we really are. Unless we tell someone else, other than God himself, the only other person who knows about our self-disappointment is the man or woman in the mirror. We remind ourselves of what we promised to ourselves that we will be and what we are actually doing about that promise. The face that keeps changing in the mirror keeps pointing out the size of the gap between our ideals and reality, and that disappoints us. Even as Christians, we struggle daily with things. Our only redeeming grace is the knowledge that, while the God we serve is not happy with our failures, He is forgiving and merciful. Despite our flaws, He blesses us each day. Thats why we praise Him. Instead of saying, “oops, we did it again”, PRAISE! Your mess will become an uplifting message to others. In the middle of the mess, there is God! Only He can restore sense, truth and order to our lives. Even in our mess, we are blessed by His eternal presence and willingness to favor us with benefits and blessings, even though we are not at all worthy. I am thankful to God for His mercies and His benefits to me, despite the fact that I am unworthy to receive them. Today, choose to give God thanks for everything that happens to you; even the bad. In the midst of any mess that we have, we know He will still bless us! Turn your mess into a message and your test into a testimony! God bless you all!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 15:58:18 +0000

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