We all had (or have) this one person in school (or at work) who, - TopicsExpress


We all had (or have) this one person in school (or at work) who, in our eyes, has the holier-than-thou attitude. I did. I secondary school. Going the naija way, most people usually referred to her as holy Mary. Our Mary (lemme call her that) was nothing like the average hormone-driven teenage girl. Matter of fact, she was the exact type of girl an average hormonal teenage girl would hate on. She was that girl who had no interest in any form of teenage misbehaviour or flexing like others called it. A lot of us saw her as uptight. A perfectionist; not because she forced others to be perfect but she tried to live her life so. She wouldnt tell you not to do a certain wrong but if you, like the pharisees, asked for her opinion, shed make sure you realized it was wrong. She had a smile for all but very few friends. In class and the exam hall, amidst the interactions going on around her, shed mind her work and her own business. Interestingly, Mary was quite beautiful and very intelligent. A honours student, actually. Humph. Hypocrite!, other girls would sneer. In this century, what business does a young girl have with being the Virgin Mary? But you could hear the respect and awe in their voices. Buried in a shallow grave beneath the mockery was the envy. Just beneath the sarcastic questions was the one we really wanted to ask. How, in the century, can a girl be beautiful, intelligent and principled all at once?. It seemed partial. Mary was the one others ran to in the middle of the night to ask for advise. Or ask for extra help on an assignment. Of course, most of this was done privately. Who would want to be seen talking to Virgin Mary? It so wasnt cool! In our final year, Mary did something an average teenage girl couldnt do. Something a lot of us would never forget. After that, the unspoken respect we all had for her tripled. Nobody dared slander or disrespect her. But, she was just a young girl. Even younger than some of us. **The world is so rotten that most people cant believe that there are people who actually have principles; something they truly stand for. Deep down, you have a desire to be unique but just like everyone else, you rather be the bad boy or the controversial girl. See, being unique translates into standing and walking alone and in this time and age, how possible is that? So in truth, being bad is actually easier. And why wont it be when it simply means follow the crowd? But heres the downside: If everyone is doing it, what then makes you think youre special?
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:30:11 +0000

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