We all hear all the time about how the black people are - TopicsExpress


We all hear all the time about how the black people are discriminated against, and how they dont get jobs because of it, how they have lower scores on average, lower wages, etc. but after all the remarks being made, and all the complaints that are talked about, considering all of the statistics, just how is it that the black community is actually at the top of the discrimination list, and not other races? for example, usually you need a good background to get the good jobs, but with only 12-13% of the population being black, why is it that African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population? they also represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons. Several studies have concluded that overall, more black males are in prison than are enrolled in colleges and universities. and yet it is yelled discrimination when they dont get the good jobs? Throughout the history of the SAT and ACT, black students’ average scores have been the lowest among all race groups. Currently, the national average for black students on the ACT is 17, compared with 22 for white students, and the national average for black students on the SAT is 860, compared with 1,061 for white students. Now this is not because of race, but usually because your scores represent what you have learned. If your parents teach you a lot, or you take your time and study, you get higher scores. So in the end, is it really because of your race that you get worse scores? Why should others make the effort to help a certain race, when they dont make the effort to make themselves better? Considering that 72.41% of the population is white, and only 12.61% is black, then why is 39.8% black, and only 38.8% white on welfare? If the black community is actually showing as much initiative, and trying as hard as they want people to believe, then why are there numbers so high? Know granted, you will hear about the history of the black population, and how they were slaves, but that was many generations ago. They have had plenty of time to turn things around for themselves if they want to, yet looking at the statistics, they are showing that they are not doing much to correct the situation, and then yell discrimination because of it. Yet, where is the proof, the evidence, or anything else to show that they are trying to correct things. Recently Jesse Jackson yelled about how silicone valley did not hire enough black people, and it was because they were being discriminated against, yet the statistics show that, according to a 2013 Census report, of the people that are hired in silicon valley, 71% of science and engineering graduates are White, and only 7% are black. Yet in 2012, only 4.2% of the graduates were black. That shows that about twice the percent of graduates that get hired are black then white. That shows partiality to the blacks, and even after showing partiality to hiring the black population, Jesse Jackson still yells discrimination, even though the black community is twice as likely to get hired. How is that discrimination? The black community uses the N word in communicating with their race, they use the word in their music, and that is all right by them, yet if a white person uses it, they are offended because it is discrimination. Why is it only discrimination if a white person uses it? Black people use terms like cracker, and others to describe the white population, yet the term cracker is used in the same context as the N word, so why is it all right for them to use it against other races, but not the other way around? A country gets rich by the work and effort of its people. If you have a hard working and innovative people, then your country gets better. If you dont, it gets worse. Yet when you look at the poorest countries in the world, that are the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Burundi, Eritrea, Central African Republic, Niger, Sierra Leone, Malawi, Togo, Madagascar, Afghanistan, Guinea, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Comoros, Haiti, and Uganda. If you look, most of those countries are primarily black. You can not discriminate against a race when the country is, in a whole, of that race. So, in order for that country to me less innovative, and not make a better life for its own people, it has to be its own people that put themselves there. It is not the white people discriminating against the black people that makes their country poor, but the people of that country doing it to themselves. So why is it that if the reason that the black population can not get ahead in places like the USA is because, as you hear a lot, discrimination against them. Then why are the countries that they came from not doing something to make themselves better either? You are only as rich, and as good off, as you put the effort forth to make it that way. So in the end, is it really that the black population is being discriminated against, or it is that they do not put the effort forth to make themselves better, and use discrimination as an excuse as to why they are not better? Looking at the facts, just who is actually being discriminated against. Is it actually the black population, or the white, or some other? tell me, what is your thoughts?
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 21:16:52 +0000

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