We all know that "correlation is not causation" but does that mean - TopicsExpress


We all know that "correlation is not causation" but does that mean that correlation is irrelevant to causation? I bring this up due to the IRS "special review" of 501(c)(4) applications of conservative groups that started in 2010. The WSJ had an editorial providing the following timeline: Aug. 2010 -- IRS guidelines to look out for certain words in 501(c)(4) forms Aug. 9, 2010 -- Pres. Obama identifies "Americans for Prosperity" (funded by the Kochs) as a group about which to be very concerned Aug. 11, 2010 -- Democratice Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) warns of "shadow groups" Aug. 21, 2010 -- Pres. Obama, in radio talk, discusses "shadowy [secret] groups" Week of Aug. 27, 2010 -- Democrat Party files a complaint with IRS that Americans for Prosperity is violating its tax status Sept. 2, 2010 -- DCCC publishes that the Koch brothers are funding "right-wing shadow groups" Sept. 16, 2010 -- Pres. Obama discusses groups funding attack ads Sept. 21, 2010 -- Huff Post article titles "Obama, Dems Try to Make Shadowy Conservative Groups a Problem for Conservatives" and about how the administration wants reporters to write about them Sept. 22, 2010 -- Pres. Obama talks about how these groups "pose" as non-profits Sept. 26, 2010 -- David Axelrod (a "senior advisor"in the Administration) identifies Americans for Prosperity as a "front group for foreign-controlled companies" Sept. 28, 2010 -- Pres. Obama discusses conservative groups "posing as nonprofit groups" Sept. 28, 2010 -- Sen. Baucus (D, Montana), Chair of Senate Finance Committee, writes to IRS requesting the IRS to investigate conservative nonprofits Oct. 14, 2010 -- Pres. Obama again discusses the groups and how they are "a problem for democracy" Oct. 22, 2010 -- Pres. Obama complains that people hide behind these groups Oct. 25, 2010 -- Pres. Obama says the groups are a threat to democracy Oct. 26, 2010 -- Pres. Obama again says the groups are bad So, was the "special scrutiny" just done by some rogue employees or was it part of a planned campaign? The law has several perhaps relevent Latin phrases: post hoc ergo propter hoc -- After the fact, therefore because of the fact And -- res ipsa locquitor -- The thing speaks for itself online.wsj/article/SB10001424127887323844804578529571309012846.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 16:23:47 +0000

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