We all know the economic collapse is inevitable and the one thing - TopicsExpress


We all know the economic collapse is inevitable and the one thing that governments and the central bankers hate more is to be blamed for any type of monetary collapse. They would rather shift the blame to another country than take responsibility. Today every western central bank government across the world is fighting against economic collapse. If we look at each country the unemployment rate is at an all time high. The unemployment rate in the eurozone as a whole is up to an all-time high of 12.2 percent and other countries are hitting levels of 25%-27%. America’s unemployment is 7.6% because the unemployment rate calculation has been changed in 1994 to not include those people who are no longer looking for work because they gave up or are underemployed. It doesn’t matter how the numbers are manipulated because the unemployment in America is around 23% if we use the calculation prior to 1994. Every country has debt that is not sustainable, look at Greece who has had multiple bail-outs, Cyprus who has had bail-ins and bail-outs. In America the financial institutions have been bailed-out and now the government’s debt is over 17 trillion dollars. The American government using fear tactics of terrorism have passed laws to remove each persons Inalienable rights some of these laws are the Patriot Act, NDAA, Miranda Exception etc. The main purpose is to make the people believe they have no rights and the government has the authority to take these rights away. The government describes rights as though the government is allowing each person to have them. For example on the governments website it states the following “The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms“. The government has the gun bill, UN Arms Treaty and the CISPA bill pending in the senate. They will try to push these bills through with some type of false flag event. This is why these bills are just sitting in the senate at this time because they have no way of passing them. So what does the government need to do, they need to create an event that will allow the American people and Congress to beg for some type of law that would stop these events from happening, and as always the government has the bills just sitting there waiting to be pushed through the senate to help with the false flag event. To cover up the economic collapse the government and central bankers are doing their best to start a war to cover up the collapse, just like they did at the end of the Great Depression with WWII. The Doomsday False Flag Event To Cover Up The Economic Collapse x22report 1Like · · Promote · Share
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 03:52:09 +0000

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