We all know the system in every way is broken as is all of us are - TopicsExpress


We all know the system in every way is broken as is all of us are broken. We all are so deep in selfishness, ego, opinion of right and wrong shit its not even funny. I notice every year there is something new to break us apart more and more. The elf on a shelf to those who hold old traditions get pissed over the new addition to so called tradition. I think LGBT, genres of music, branding, political views, religious views, breweries vs pot dispensaries, corporate competition, taxes and welfare, automobiles and car companies with awards by companies they own. We have the most awards! Yeah but none of those companies are legit. Every year there is another division for us to fit into that we publicly share and brag. This keeps us more and more separated to be further and further apart rather than together. The more divisions the less chance one group has higher numbers than another group when the mass numbers are divided into so many pieces of the pie it is impossible for everyone to join a group and be in power or higher relativity. Religion keeps dividing into new religions, bad music gets more bad music genres and divisions, good music divisions get saltier and hotter to attract the bad etc. I remember as a kid the wars over video games and systems. This system is better than your system. The same goes with cars. Foreign vs domestic. It all goes back to the term we are all created equal. There is no good or bad. We are all in the same boat. The good give to charity to the bad not spending that money honestly for research but buying fancy cars and homes, people wasting their nourished energies on marathons rather than spending time educating and using physical energies to ensure people get treated and the money donated is spent correctly, egos and brag on facebook and pinterest etc. on how they donated and got a tax write off at the end of the year, egos and attention for wearing pink and ribbons rather than help in silence without brag and ego, egos of where you ate today and with who but not even sharing a review of the place of what your experience was even like. As if we put posts to brag and offer no insight. Waiting for attention for that person to come forth first to ask or add a competitive mention. I see some people complain their rent went up 10% and they cant live the same then pop another baby. Everything we do .. all of us. Makes no sense in the end of it all. Right when you think you are doing right there is something bad always tied to it whether you see it or not. This is what I get out of the show Breaking Bad. There is no breaking it. It is nature and the universe as one. Chaos. As beautiful as the stars, planets and life may be. Its all chaos. Energy itself the creation of life itself is always fizzing. Unstable. Looking for the easiest route to be conducted by and will push through until it gets to where it does not care. Energy will forever keep pushing and never pulling. It never goes backwards to say sorry or correct what one thinks is wrong or destruction. Prescriptions add blocks to path of negative energy, or enable it. This why plastics will stick around for a loong time. Its not a good conductor. Negative energy has a great block to its path. The more we create synthetics such as plastics the more blocks to energy we create. Energy is what makes everything that is everything. So rather than sound judgmental, biased, concerned, giving, loving. Relationships go on the brink when someone adds that path of resistance. The other side the other energy needs to find another path of least resistance. The truth is. We are energy and that is a force that cant be stopped. Occupying space forever growing creating more energy. Global warming, weather change, deficits, gaining, bad vibes and good vibes. The core is the same. Energy. When it all comes down to it the only equal there really is in all that exists is energy. Thats it. The amazing thing about space and time, matter and spirit. It forever grows. How? Thats the mystery in real. How did energy begin? How can there ever been a beginning? One thing that is for certain is that there is no end. Or is there? To think that there was no space at one point and no energy just seems so far fetched it is incomprehensible to even fathom the thought. It is always easier to create more than to take away. In the future we will all know and learn there is no need for food, plants or even us as people. The matrix is real. Spiritual connections is energy and that has to be one way or another real. In the end my opinion on spiritual energy is that when it leaves our body it will take the easiest path the same as energy as it is energy. To think that energy will travel up into the sky is beyond common sense. It will simply soak into the next available source willing to accept and soak it up and burn it out. That is because air is one of the best insulators there is and water is a terrific conductor. If anything your soul and spirit of energy will go into the earth like a common ground on your house. Perhaps souls they suggest linger around are those who have insulated souls on their shoes and boots. But either way you will touch something and like static electricity it will change hosts and paths. When it comes down to the God and the Devil. If you look at energy itself. The Devil will always chase the God. This is why God will forever move farther and farther away. To move further and further from what is chasing it. Considering energy never has the same capacitance to be stored anything that exists in the physical will always be different. No matter how normal you think you are, better or worse than another. You, me and them. We are all the same in the core. We will all chase the path of least resistance. Whether it is being smarter, dumber, meaner or nicer. The core is all the same. We can think that we can do better and good will always prevail. But the basis of energy does not care. It will go through the easiest path with least resistance. Forgiveness and Understanding is the only thing that heals from the burn as negative always chases the positive. So the positive will always be the target of negative energy. Those with negative energy and those with positive energy. There is no such thing. We are all the same no matter how much your mind, heart and soul fights it. You and I would not exist without the negative that started it all. So in the end we all have negative to thank for being here today. Then the other way to look at it negative would have never had anywhere to go, to grow if it wasnt for the fact that somehow some way positive came to exist. I guess the summary of this philosophy comes down to the fact that hate needs Love. And love needs hate. For they would not exist without each other. General and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.There is no such thing as good without the bad and there is no way the bad would survive without the good. So when you bash another, dislike, hate and or love. Just know the bottom line is we need each other and a feeble thought and opinion is a relentless conductor or insulator. But even the insulator was created with negative energy towards the positive to create that barrier to begin with. The only thing that is equal and undivided and forgiving of all is space. Space accepts all that is and will be. The ultimate love of all is the love of wisdom. Everything is in circle justifying itself in the circle. The triangle where all sides meet. May you be darkened or illuminated by thought. Just know that no matter what you have done wrong in the past and future. Energy negative can turn into and towards the positive. No matter how bad things get. And know that those who have been forever positive... the negative is always chasing after you to merge and travel into your conductors to infiltrate your all positiveness. Life is forever challenging. youtu.be/oLpgRSCHa8I
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 20:51:54 +0000

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