We all know who you are the fruitloops who have a conspiracy about - TopicsExpress


We all know who you are the fruitloops who have a conspiracy about everything even the cornflakes they eat in the morning.I dedicate this beauty to all of you crackpots and delusional twats who have nothing better to do than to spruik their venomous,negative,dark mentality onto us sane logical people.These misfits of society are always seeing that half empty glass always with a boulder on their shoulder all of them are disciples of shysters,conmen, shamans like the Alex Jones, David Icke or Ken OKeefe of our world.Sadly another one of them Dimos da plane da plane has even done a runner hiding in fear of the joint Mossad/CIA death squad operation to silence him.They obviously realize he just knows too much.Thus hes in hiding somewhere with Jim Morrison,Elvis,Bruce Lee, Adolf Hitler & Abominable Snowman the Yeti. Word is hes under his grand mas bed You people need to get a grip of REALITY start understanding what logic is all about and stop with yr medieval superstitions and forever believing in a dark evil world because quite frankly all yr wacky theories have been exposed as utter bullshit. Just learn to be happy enjoy life because our world is beautiful.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 03:41:31 +0000

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