We all remember where we were... I groggily lift my head from my - TopicsExpress


We all remember where we were... I groggily lift my head from my make-shift pillow backpack. Its a dirty black bag crammed with todays unfinished assignments. At least its Tuesday, I murmur to myself. Ive got until 9:15 before the morning bell rings to jot down a fake bibliography and make it look like I worked out math problems, instead of stealing answers from the back of the book. Its 8:45, just before the early bell. Crap, I am nowhere near finished. Oh well, not like any of my teachers will be surprised by my lack of work ethic today. As my get it done! anxiety increases with each passing minute, I am distracted by my drama teacher, Mrs.Mallet. She is a petite woman and as usual, she reaches for her teaching stick to turn on our small television mounted in the right corner of the classroom. I distract my gaze long enough to catch her eyes widen and flicker with worry. She turns up the television and walks closer to the screen. Slowly, other students mimick her gesture and make their way towards the small grainy screen. Not one to be an assertive, go-getter, I manage to find my inner enthusiasm long enough to see what all the fuss is about. At first I dont realize what Im watching. I make out two towers, one with dark smoke, rapidly billowing out the side. I read the live scrolling caption at the bottom of the screen: PLANE HITS WORLD TRADE CENTER. Hmm..really? How does that happen? I wonder if my uncle Henry is okay, I think he might still work in one if the towers. I briefly think back to several summers Ive spent with him and my aunt. We stopped by all the major monuments, and I remember how majestic it is to see the towers in person. Im sure hes fine, my subconscious tells me in a reassuring manner. However, Im not fully convinced. It seems like Im barely able to wrap my head around the basic facts before a second airliner quickly slams into the second building. Under my breath I gasp That was on purpose. Someone is doing this on purpose, I say with conviction. Being all too niave on the concept of terrorist attacks or any threats to what I had always perceived to be the safest nation on earth, I am distraught as new discerning information comes pouring in. Even the news anchors seem stunned and dont know what to say. The release bell rings and students are are silently ushered into second period classes. Really now? I dont have time to walk to my next class and its English, I hate this period. I manage to walk three steps across the hallway into the classroom. The lights are off, my normally nagging teacher is silent and breaking news reports echo from televisions across the halls. My teacher turns up the volume as all tragedy unfolds. The towers are rapidly falling down. One level on top of the other, as if were an intentional building demolition. I am at a loss for words, My mouth is dry. Some of my classmates let out silent cries. Little did any of us know that part of our innocence and the way we viewed the world, would be changed forever. *Remember 9/11* never forget those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and those who continue to do so today. Even in the darkest of days, united as a nation, we still stand.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:02:13 +0000

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