We all want to go to heaven but are we ready to pay d price? - TopicsExpress


We all want to go to heaven but are we ready to pay d price? Hebrews 12:14 says "without holiness,no man shall see d Lord" You must depend on God for d grace to be holy & also be ready to do ur own part. 1 john 2:15 says "love not d word,neither d things dat r in d world,if any man love d world,d love of d father is not in him" check ur heart,are U in love with d world? Are U so interested in those things of d world dat do not glorify God,those trousers,short & mini-skirts,eye lashes,artificial hair,d attires of a harlot,etc? Remember,if u love d world,d love of God is nt in U.Romans12:2 says "& be ye not conformed to dis world,but be ye transformed by d renewing of ur mind,dat u may prove what is dat good & acceptable & perfect will of God" it is When God renews ur mind,then U will be able to dress,speak & do d things dat will please God,pls ask God to renew ur mind. be prepared!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 09:56:52 +0000

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