We always complain and make excuses that we dont have time for - TopicsExpress


We always complain and make excuses that we dont have time for ourselves - we dont have time to be healthy and fit. Who wouldnt? Youre the first one to get up in your household while everyone gets an extra 30 minutes or even an hours worth of sleep. You scramble around the kitchen to prepare breakfast and lunches for your kids and yourself, then you head off to the shower and get dressed for work. You have a crazy morning rush and when you get to work - its non-stop. Youre on your feet for 8, 10, 12-15 hours. In between work, you just couldnt find the time to eat a decent meal because break only allows you to munch for only 15 minutes (I salute all my nurse friends). As you drive home you think about what to cook for the family, what dinner to make. You stress about the kitchen that you left messy that morning, the laundry thats starting to pile up again and try to finish your childrens homework. Time flies when you get home, because after all that you realize its already time for bed. But you couldnt, because theres a new mess of things you have a clean up before you go to bed or else it would be waiting for you the following day. So you clean up and tidy things. By the time you get to bed everyones been sleeping for about 30 minutes to an hour - and then you finally jump in bed, snuggle in your sheets - then WAIT! You forgot to brush your teeth! --- AND THE CYCLE GOES ON AGAIN! So who has time? Time will never wait for us, time will never stop for us. Well just have to make time! I do believe that theres a time for everything - but what if in those hours you dont give anything to yourself? For your well-being, for your health? We deteriorate at a much faster rate when we dont take care of our own health. Illness creeps in faster when we neglect ourselves. So why not start NOW? Why not start making THE time. When we continue to tell ourselves ILL WAIT for the right time - that time usually doesnt come. We need to do something and start NOW. We need to be the strong and healthy one for our family. Would you like to start with me? Im here for you!!!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:28:48 +0000

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