We applaud whisteblower Edward Snowden for his actions. When a - TopicsExpress


We applaud whisteblower Edward Snowden for his actions. When a government is truly by the people and for the people, it cannot be a crime to leak information on the course and extent of actions by the government, in the name of its citizens, for the claimed purpose of protecting them. A representative government in a democracy relies on the consent of its people. However, such consent cannot exist when the citizens are not fully informed. We note with alarm the complete lack of regard the US government is showing for the rights of European citizens and, more generally, anyone who uses US-based communication services and infrastructure. We also note the negative effect on its allies, the sovereignty of the affected countries and the competitiveness of their businesses. Europe must respond to these revelations with due resolve. In light of this situation, it is important that the European Union, rather than remaining complicit with this abuse of powers that comes at an untenable cost to society, becomes a worldwide beacon for digital rights and privacy protection, government transparency and whistleblower protection.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 00:30:47 +0000

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