We are Nuar Jiokriaal, from East, Central and Western Nuer. - TopicsExpress


We are Nuar Jiokriaal, from East, Central and Western Nuer. Message to you our leaders on the ground, is: if Arusha Accord would not work, the fighting will begin in two weeks time, you all will be blamed by the nuer communities world wide. If you have signed for peace, peace would not come, we will dishonor you our leaders, except Gatmyayom, P. Gatdet, koang chuol, Gathoth Gatkuoth, Tanginye, Kuar Gatwech Dual, from ciengbuorcaar!!. We need strong leaders whom would not back down to fight Kiir, his allies. Since you have signed a blank paper, you better do it right, prove us wrong!! Kiir MUST BE DEFEATED MILITARILY, NOT PEACEFULLY. THIRDLY, DO WE NUERS BELIEVING THAT WE WILL HAVE OR MAKE A PEACE WITH DINKA WHILE THEIR LOVELY UGANDANS ARE STILL IN THE COUNTRY? IF SO, WHAT NAIVE PEOPLE ARE WE???? LASTLY, THE SUITCASES DEFECTORS, SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN POSITIONS BEFORE THOSE WHOM WERE IN THE MOMENT FROM THE DAY ONE AND THAT IS MY OPINION AND WHAT IS YOURS??
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:41:34 +0000

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