We are a lazy society driven by media. We do not research enough - TopicsExpress


We are a lazy society driven by media. We do not research enough for our own selves anymore because it is easier to trust everything we hear. I am as guilty as anyone else is. Recently I have been doing some research of my own. I was diagnosed with Crohns disease over 14 years ago. All medication that I was prescribed had side effects that I would not agree to tolerate. Therefore, I quit my doctor, I quit the nasty pills, and for 13 years I have been managing by attempting to learn what foods trigger my flare-ups and keeping my stress levels at a minimum. Its been working pretty well. However, I began to wonder why it is working so well for me and not for others with the same exact condition. That is when I decided to research deeper into the treatments you do not hear about. To my surprise and delight, I learned that consistent and moderate exposure to UVB (not just UVA) has a significant and positive response to all autoimmune conditions. BINGO! My career has actually kept me alive. I always knew that tanning was a healthy alternative to managing skin conditions, mild depression, and a great way to protect your skin before traveling, but I have recently learned that UV exposure is beneficial to a number of conditions! ALL AUTO-IMMUNE deficient related illness, blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, arthritis, circulatory problems, most forms of dermatitis, mild anxiety, sleep disorders, jaundice, Vitiligo and the list goes on! With MODERATE use, it even can lower risks of many cancers! Most of us do not need uppers, downers, sedatives, shrinks and bed rest! We need to treat our bodies inside and OUT with NATURAL healthy things that make us happy and feel GREAT! So visit Colby Tanning today, feel better and lose the guilt... Tanning, unlike burning, is a healthy choice! ~Ellen
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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