We are all African in original DNA according to Science. Warning - TopicsExpress


We are all African in original DNA according to Science. Warning this video has some offensive content until you KNOW the FACTS below: So I have a DNA certificate that says that even though I am white, I am in fact African in origin. So as an American, I can now LEGALLY say I am African American and have Black Origins in my DNA and blood line. The Spanish word for Black is Niggra and sounds similar to the word Niger for the country where many black slaves came from. That word changed slightly to become in modern times the word nigger which still only means black unless the one using it is using it in hate to belittle another or say he or she is less than honest and in some way less of a good person by being black. Hate doctrines and the seed of Cain doctrines have been out there for the last 65 to70 years that say that the first murderer was marked with darkness and all blacks come from cain in the bible who was the first murderer. To spite that claim, if we are truly Bible believers then we have to have the truthful understanding that John 3:16 says that the Almighty wanted everyone to get saved, and by other scriptures that salvation is not based on skin color or country of origin by the last known relative from that country. Many think they are from Wales, England, Spain, or another country an once they get DNA work done find out they are in fact Jewish, Black, and many skin colors or origin from their many great grandparents. My point is THIS, We are all Niggers now because we all have proven by science evidence that being black is not just exclusive to Africans and the origin of mankind. The DNA in fact says that Adam was a African light skinned male and Eve was a black skinned woman. Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_Eve en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recent_African_origin_of_modern_humans livescience/38613-genetic-adam-and-eve-uncovered.html So the DNA proves that the light skin non-dominant gene is in fact a mutation of the genetic code that can and has caused black African couples to have in fact white babies and that this happens about every 6 to 7 billion births where one mutation happens changing skin color of children. Some inter-racial couples have light skin children who look more like the India and HISTORY India shows the origins came from the L3 lines and migrated east where the J -R- H - and other lines went in the direction of colder countries and European regions and then moved to America, Australia, Canada, and others still to Spain and South America. So when we trace our DNA roots, the science tells us that what we call RACE is not really truly RACE, but Tribal groups that broke off from the original main lines by skin color, and developed language differences, and formed societies in different locations coming from the real Race, The Human Race. so perhaps the phrase Hater would be a better term to explain those who race-bait on both sides of these issues such as Jew Vs Arab and White vs Black because we all are COUSINS and if we follow Biblical FAITH then we by our creator are BROTHERS AND SISTERS of the family of YAH ALMIGHTY so quite picking on your bothers and sisters and start standing up for WHAT IS RIGHT. So from one African American to another Brother or Sister of the real Human Race lets get off the Government trick of using skin color to propagate hate and special classes of people and start doing what is RIGHT to make life better for all mankind. youtu.be/usnk6JyJapU
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 20:12:32 +0000

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