We are all created to be happy, it is the lack of faith and belief - TopicsExpress


We are all created to be happy, it is the lack of faith and belief in God, is the reason for lack of happiness, too busy thinking so far ahead, you are missing today, Christ explain the beauty of the kingdom of God: And I quote: “The Kingdom of God can also be likened to a very rich man who was a dealer in pearls. All his life, he had wanted to find a special pearl which would outshine all others, it would be flawless and perfect and he would be the envy of every dealer. One day, he found such a pearl, beautiful beyond imaging perfect beyond all others. He sold everything he owned, he abandoned all that he had accumulated, to buy this pearl and was happy beyond all dreaming. What does this mean? It means that all the things he had previously valued in his life – his richly furnished house, his valuables, his way of life, plenty of food and drink, he gladly gave them all up in order to possess the treasure beyond price. The knowledge leading him into the Kingdom of God where happiness is a state of mind which cannot be touched by the outer world with all its cares and worries. The Kingdom of God is within you, you enter the Kingdom of God when you fully realize that the father is active at all times within you. It is a STATE OF MIND, of perception and understanding that the reality behind and within all things visible, is the Father and is beautiful and perfect and that all the things which are contrary to beauty, harmony, health, abundance are creations of mans Wrong thinking”. Unquote God bless.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:17:04 +0000

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