We are all gatekeepers to an extent because the illusion is so - TopicsExpress


We are all gatekeepers to an extent because the illusion is so powerful. It is just a matter of degree. Among the major gatekeeper professions and mentalities I have highlighted here, there are many decent, caring, people who are intelligent within the Matrix version of intelligence. Its the intelligence of the inmate who is streetwise about his prison, who can duck and weave and play the game successfully within its confines and rules. What this intelligence cannot see, however, are the prison walls. It thinks its free. Its not intelligence that we need to break out of here. Its wisdom. I have been emphasizing in this chapter how the closed minds and Matrix conditioning of the gatekeeper professions and mentality lead them to stand on guard at the gates to mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom. Their professions make them especially effective gatekeepers, but in truth everyone is. Everyone, that is, who seeks to impose their reality on others by suppression, ridicule, and misrepresentation of another view; or by parental, peer, and partner pressure to conform to someone elses reality. Partners gatekeep their partners; parents gatekeep their children; children gatekeep each other; neighbours gatekeep neighbors; priests gatekeep their believers; journalists gatekeep the masses. As a friend of mine, Michael Roll, once said: You are born to loving parents and they tell you that 2 + 2 = 5; you go to school and teachers tell you that 2 + 2 = 5; you go to university and professors with letters after their name tell you 2 + 2 = 5; the media constantly confirms that 2 + 2 = 5 because thats the norm they slavishly serve and promote; and all the people around you believe the same because they have been through the same system that you have. In those circumstances, and thats what we face every day, is it any wonder that billions of people go through an entire physical lifetime believing that 2 + 2 = 5? It is an excellent point. The answer goes on equaling four, its just that people dont know that and most cant be bothered to find out. If we want to be free, it is time that we did.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 02:29:21 +0000

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