We are all going to have stress in our lives, sorry about that, - TopicsExpress


We are all going to have stress in our lives, sorry about that, but it is how you react and prepare for this stress that makes all the difference in the world. How you deal with stress will profoundly affect your health, your mood and your outlook on life. You probably have quite a few responsibilities on your plate and stress is simply a side effect. I have gotten much better over the years of recognizing when stress is starting to take over my body and instead of ignoring it I go into preventative mode. My go-to activity to beat stress is getting a massage. There is something very calming, spiritual and refreshing about massage and it instantly calms me down and lowers my stress. I also gravitate to the outdoors when stress is getting the best of me. Just the act of being immersed in nature gets rid of my stress. Each of you will encounter stress daily, some more than others, and it is crucial to your health to be aware of this and take the necessary measures to combat it head on. Here are some tips to get you started. 1. Breathe So many days are a blur of activity that you rarely know how you are feeling. Check in with yourself throughout the day and take a couple deep breaths. Just stopping your life and the chaos throughout the day and focusing on your breath will lower your stress. Set a reminder on your phone. Put a sticky note on your computer. 2. Exercise You probably know exercise is great for stress, but are you really penciling this time into your calendar every day? It gives you energy and will actually boost your mood too. We commit to so many things everyday from work to kids to friends and family, but we rarely put our own health at the top of the priority list. Make exercise a non-negotiable in your life. 3. Choose your food wisely Yes food can be your worst enemy or it can be your favorite medicine. The food you put in your body can either combat stress and lengthen your life or it can shorten your life and add to the stress chemicals running through your body. You choose! Start with small achievable changes in your diet and go from there. Are you a believer yet that making simple changes to the food you put in your body can affect your mood, your weight loss, reduce health issues and add years to your life? I would love the opportunity to speak with each of you, hearing about the one health challenge you would LOVE to conquer and how you may be sabotaging your goals and your life. Email me and we will schedule in your FREE health strategy session!! In warm regards, Leslie Gail modernmom/blogs/lifecoach-leslie/time-to-kick-stress-in-the-ss
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 15:12:31 +0000

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