We are all on an ongoing journey of self development....a journey - TopicsExpress


We are all on an ongoing journey of self development....a journey of developing the true characteristics of a Muslim...as Muslims we should strive hard to implement traits such as kindness, mercy and compassion and patience towards each other as these are as crucial as the rituals of worship we perform. It is the building blocks of Islamic characteristics that give substance to the acts of worship, right?...Indeed Islam is a way of life that starts within...this inner journey is a continuing one...one from which we can find contentment and much solace and happiness inshaAllah. The mistake that many of us make is to focus entirely on the outer characteristics of worship and we simply implement the elements of rituals and regulations, halal and haram, without making any inner improvements to ourselves first. Worshipping is a means to an end and our aim as Muslims is to establish closeness to Allah subhanahu wa taala by doing the things that please Him. Hence, when we are on our journey of Islam, developing characteristics such as kindness, mercy, generosity, compassion and patience are as crucial as the rituals of worship. The building blocks of Islamic characteristics are what give substance to the acts of worship and Islam does not simply reside in the heart and with the prayer mat being a physical boundary....belief is always coupled with action, and action does not stop at the rituals...It is something which continues in all aspects of our daily lives...hence It is important to keep this simple principle of self development in the forefront of our mind, because otherwise we may immerse ourselves in rituals and forget the fundamental aim behind them. For example, we may be reciting Qur’an all night long, working to improve our pronunciation, but not implementing what its verses tell us to do. Hence, recitation becomes a ritual, and often boredom sets in. A true journey of faith entails developing the love for Allah subhanahu wa taala and also the connection we have with Him...and experiencing the sweetness of imaan is what gives us the motivation to worship... we must remember that islam is a way of life...by a way of striving and sacrificing for Allah subhanahu wa taala alone, by helping others, helping the needy by being generous with our wealth, guarding our tongues and being sensitive to those around us that are in need. When we undergo our individual journeys, our personality should also transform positively which involves the gradual eradication of bad habits and traits inshaAllah... Allah subhanahu wa taala does not just take to task our compulsory acts of worshipping but He also watches how we behave with each other and what is in our hearts.. May Allah subhanahu wa taala make it easy for us to be the way He wants us to be and may we implement Islam in its true form as a way of life...may we develop a character inspired by our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam...who had the best character, a perfect example for all of mankind, Aameen
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 02:20:14 +0000

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