We are all telling ourselves a story. And, that day, mine changed. - TopicsExpress


We are all telling ourselves a story. And, that day, mine changed. - Will Smith as Cypher Raige; AFTER EARTH. What is the origin of divinity myths? And why do rumors of divine reality persist; despite the lack of indisputable evidence? I posit that the answer to both questions is simply: You. As Ive stated before, You are the Being behind all forms, presently experiencing existence in a human form. And, all drama aside, thats all youve ever been. And I submit that recognition of this divine reality is key for the redemption of the human experience; both individually and collectively. Which is, essentially, why the rumors will never cease. All the world’s mythology (ancient and modern; religious and secular) regarding the proverbial “battle of Light vs. Darkness”, are the “stories of your life”. They are the messages in a bottle, cast from the forgotten realm, from which you originate; offering you clues as to how to find your happily ever after. (I use the word “mythology” to reference tales that take you beyond the realm of common experience. Ironically, it is these types of stories that prove most useful for revealing life’s essential truths. Because the constant repetition of mundane experiences dulls our perception of these truths.) Here are some metaphorical concepts that may shed new light on the stories that have informed your reality. I’ve found them invaluable for unlocking the allegories that have illuminated my path, and revealed that the journey is, indeed, universal. 1. The Hero. The Hero is the one at the heart of the story. This character represents You (Soul incarnate), striving to reestablish Truth (Light) above illusion (Darkness). Do not be perplexed if this is a dark or flawed character. Acknowledging your own perceived negatives usually leads to your most profound insights. 2. The Villain. All the opponents that the Hero faces represent manifestations of Ego (your own mentality while blinded by the veil of the senses). In reality, Ego is the only true adversary in life. And, as illustrated in most stories, the majority of the struggle is just coming to this realization; bringing you face to face with the arch-nemesis for the final showdown (i.e., the realization that YOU, functioning in the ignorance of Self, were the creator of your own suffering all along). 3. The Mentor. The Mentor is usually portrayed as a father figure, master teacher, or mysterious guide. This character represents the manifestation of your divine consciousness. In reality, this can take any form, at any time. But, revelation is most readily received from a source you have already come to trust and respect. 4. The Love Interest. The role of the Love Interest (usually portrayed as the Maiden in distress) is typically simple. They fall into the Villain’s clutches, inspiring the Hero to do what must be done, and often prove to ultimately be the Hero’s greatest ally. This character represents your sensual being, particularly. (Although, interpretation CAN extend to those in our reality whom we love; which quite often find themselves the victims of our Villain.) A real understanding of your physical nature is invaluable for countering any ill conditions that Ego may instigate, and experiencing optimum pleasure in life. 5. The Allies. The Heros allies usually represent specific characteristics of the person (brawn, intellect, or emotion). While this is often portrayed simply as a key companion and various confidants, it may also be portrayed as a crew within a vessel. In which case, the vessel could be interpreted as the person as a whole. In any case, understanding the correlation between characters and the characteristics of your person can provide profound insights for your actual journey. I hope these concepts help you to take command of the power of allegory. Especially since, as the truth of your divine nature becomes more substantial, youll find that what youve come to think of as the real world is, in itself, merely allegory. Which may be the most essential realization for emerging victorious in your personal story. youtube/watch?v=PWVhiIisH30
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:39:40 +0000

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