We are all wired to find love,... And when we meet someone who - TopicsExpress


We are all wired to find love,... And when we meet someone who radiates it,... We naturally crave their company,... As you become more clear about who you really are,... Youll be better able to decide what and who is best for you,... True love isnt love at first sight,... Its Love at every sight,... It feels amazing to be touched by the person who understands your mind,... The person who acknowledges your flaws and loves your soul,... Love is an invisible bond that combines two souls together,... A meeting of two souls,... Fully accepting the dark and light within each other bound by the courage to grow through struggle into bliss,... When we come to another with love in our heart,... Asking nothing,... Only offering that love,... We will create miraculous relationships,... You may fall in love with the beauty of someone,... But remember that finally you have to live with the character,... Not the beauty,... The best way to love someone is not to change them,... But help them reveal the greatest version of themselves,... Its so amazing when someone comes into your life,... And you expect nothing out of it,... But suddenly,... There right in front of you is everything you ever needed and wanted,... Let someone love you just the way you are,... As flawed as you might be,... As Unattractive as you sometimes feel,... And as Unaccomplished as you think you are,... To believe that you hide all parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, Is to believe that the sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room,... We hide so we can be found,... We walk away to see who will follow,...We cry to see who will wipe away our tears,... And we let our hearts get broken to see who will fix it,... The way to love someone is to lightly run your finger over that persons soul until you find a crack and then gently pour your love into that crack,... Lie in each others arms,... Eyes shut and fingers open,... And all the colors of the world pass through your bodies like strings of fire,... Dont marry someone you can live with,... Marry the person you cant live without,... Every woman wants a man who can see beyond the complexion of her skin And the curves of her body,... A woman is not beautiful in just the way she looks but in many other ways in which a man must discover,... See the beauty in her undaunted personality,... In her Confidence,... In the ways she loves life,... And the beauty in the tenderness which she holds on to her innocent childhood memories,... Every woman wants a man who can find the beauty in the way she thinks,... And the way she speaks her mind,... She wants a man who can see beauty in the way she mends broken hearts with her love and compassion,... She wants a man who can feel her beauty in the warmth of her touch,... The sparkle in her eyes when she is loved to the core and the radiance of her soul,... Everyone,... Every man and woman is a unique masterpiece,... A living piece of art,... You cant force someone to feel any certain way about you,... You can Only Be you,... And the right ones will love you for it,... The right person will have time for you,... Will not be intimidated by you or scared of commitment,... We be entirely single,... Not married or spoken for,... Will not rush or pressure you,... Will not expect to sleep with you just because their dating you,... Will be interested in a relationship,... Not a hookup,... And theyll know the difference,... Will respect your morals and beliefs,... The Best relationships are ones where youre friends first,... And a couple second,... Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you,... If one desires to receive one must first give,... This is called profound understanding,... You can say sorry a million times,... Say I love you as much as your want,... Say whatever you want,... Whenever you want,... But if youre not going to prove the things you say are true,... Then dont say anything at all,... Because,... If you cant show it,... Your words mean nothing,... When you listen with your heart and understand with your soul,... Your bond is eternal,... A kiss seals two souls for a moment in time,... A real man touches your soul more than your body,... A real man seduces your mind before he touches your body,... Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul,... Find the type of relationship where youre totally comfortable around each other,... And theres no pressure to act a certain way,... Theres no awkward moments,... You can be weird and lazy when youre together,... Make harmless fun of each other,... Tickle each other and then just laugh it like youre best friends because you are,... A relationship where you call each other nicknames and theres lots of laughing involved in the time you spend together,... But you can also be serious and discuss anything and everything,... With no lies or secrets,... You can just be yourself with the comfort of knowing thats what the other person loves the most,... Thats true love,... If the relationship doesnt make you a better person,... Then you are with the wrong person,... A man who truly loves a woman,... Is more concerned with spending time than spending money,... Is her leader,... Not dictator,... Does not cheat becasue he knows hed be cheating himself,... Gives her freedom,... Not captivity,... Encourages her dreams while chasing his,... Shows her off to the world because her light in his life is so bright he cant hide it,... Most people misunderstand what a real love looks like,... The greatest gift you can give someone is your time,... Your attention,... Your Love,... Your Concern,... Its beautiful when you find someone that is in love with your mind,... Someone that wants to undress your conscious and make love to your thoughts,... Someone that wants to watch you slowly take down the walls youve build up around your mind and let them inside,... Find arms that will hold you at your weakest times,... Eyes that will see your beauty at your ugliest times,... And a heart that will love you at your worst,... Stop chasing what your mind wants and youll get what your soul needs,... To love without condition,... To talk without intention,... To give without reason,... And care without Expectation,... Love without Fear,... Trust without questioning,... Need without demanding,... Accept without change,... Want without restrictions,... Desire without inhibitions,... A love so free, Will never fly away,... Focus on being the right person & the right person will come along,... Be the type of person you want to meet,... Sometimes the situation is not the problem,... Its the reaction to the situation that creates the problem,... Be careful of your words,... Once they are said they can only be forgiven,... Not forgotten,... When you think everything is someone elses fault,... You will suffer a lot,... What you allow is what will continue,... Choose your feelings because youre attracting what you feel,... Everything that has happened in your life has happened perfectly for you and all other souls involved with you, to grow in exactly the way youve needed and wanted to grow,... You dont attract what you want,... You attract what you are,... Destiny may decide who touches your life,... But only your heart decides who touches your soul,... Time Decides who you meet in your life,... Your heart decides who you want in your life,... Behavior decides who will stay in your life,... Simply be the qualities you seek in others,... Create a life that feels good on the inside,... Not one that just looks good on the outside,... You attract ppl by the qualities you display,... You keep them by the qualities you possess,... Add days to your life,... Not days to your life,... Life is your mirror,... What you see as your outside always comes from your inside,... Learn to love yourself instead of the idea of other people loving you,... Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing,... You choose,... Love isnt complicated,... People are,.. When you love someone,... Truly love them,... Friend or lover,... You lay your heart open to them,... You give them a part of yourself,... That you give to no one else,... And you let them inside a part of you that only they can hurt,... You literally hand them the razor with a map of where to cut deepest and most painfully on your heart and soul,... You dont need a the perfect one,... You just need someone who can make you feel like you are the only one,.. To love another person unconditionally,... Without fear or judgment,... without doubt or jealous is to truly understand what love is,... Attract what you expect,... Reflect what you desire,... Become what you respect,... Mirror what you admire,... Be a good person,... But dont waste time trying to prove it,... The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely walk away,... When you are important to another person that person will always find a way to make time for you,... No excuses,... No Lies,... No broken promises,... You dont need to waste your time on someone who only wants you around when it fits their needs,... Value yourself enough to choose to be with someone who wants you as much as you want them,... Being alone may scare you,... But staying in a bad relationship will damage you,... Just because someone desires you,... Does not mean that they Value you,... Be with someone who treats you like a destination,... Not just a stop on the way,... Most people spend their time trying to find someone to sleep with,... Instead of finding someone worth waking up to,... We are not given a good or bad life,... We are given a life,.. Its up to us to make it good or bad,... Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come,... Where your soul takes you is where you are meant to be,
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 05:27:48 +0000

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