We are at a time now where the universe is forcing us, pushing our - TopicsExpress


We are at a time now where the universe is forcing us, pushing our butts. Putting our nose to smell the nasty stuff. When we get delays, hinderances and obstacles sometimes its not that were doing something wrong or that we have to try harder or work more . We need to flow. And we need to believe in Mother Nature and life itself. This is a time that were not getting what we want, when we want. Because its time to feel and not be distracted by all of our doing. There is a lot of deep shit going on now that needs to surface, that needs to be felt, released, and its not comfortable and its not easy to look at. And its like we do to want to feel it. So this is a real time where the buzz is on and part of the stress is this unconscious, subconscious psyche . Its really fear. I got to keep all my distractions happening that keep me out of my centre . Because in my centre is my wound. That wants and needs to be felt right now. So we can all be grasping for one addiction or one distraction or one project, or one orgasm. One something, to pull us out of really going in to the grief, the loss, the humanness. Were changing seasons, were changing ages. And changing ages means letting go of our ancestors stuff. Old DNA programs, from thousands of years, this is big medicine, this is big work going on. And somebodys got to do it. I want to encourage Ceremony and earth , and working with the elements, water, fire, and earth, and air. Do your incense, do your aroma therapy, do your Chrystal healing, do your Chrystal bowls, sit out in nature. Somebodies got to be holding the core here. We want to keep moving faster, addicted to stimulation, and when I dont get stimulated enough I start to feel some of these slower, deeper emotions that come up to the surface and its like ahhhh give me more, give me more stimulation. But once we let go of some of those thoughts, of some of those addictions , of some of those plans, of some of those needs, we can get in to a deeper centre , out core power , kundalini , root , force, energy. Integrated power medicine women. In our centre, and core. And we are not overwhelmed, or afraid and we are not freaking out and we are not stressed . So this is the time the next couple of months, that we are being called in, calling us down in to the dark inner world of the feminine feeling nature. And our society and our military , newspapers, computer , corporations, news agencies are all wanting us to stay busy , occupied, lost, overwhelmed, freaked out, and its all a f_cking illusion! Dont get lost in the illusion of all the action. Our thinking is a slave and instrument of our ego and our ego lives in separation from spirit. In exclusion, in survival mode. I need to survive and protect myself and fix and control and establish and form and judge. The ego, and the mind and thinking is all about fixing and ordering and strengthening, scheduling and completing. And sometimes we can get In to this and think, delude ourself that this is real and that this is a real threat or this is a real catastrophe or this is a real disaster when I fact... Dude give me a brake its NOT! Its our fear, our ego that is afraid of loosing. Our spirit is eternal and our soul is connected to all that is. When we get in our core , our centre and we get in our feelings, and we trust ourselves and that is the source of relaxation. Trusting I, yourself that you are connected. I trust myself, that Im a part of spirit and that life is good for me and supporting me and everything that happens is just right according to my soul plan. https://youtube/watch?v=5lodSR1zYJE#t=1253
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 02:31:45 +0000

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