We are at war, but we cannot afford it! The United States of - TopicsExpress


We are at war, but we cannot afford it! The United States of Obama, quite different from the United States governed by Republicans a few years ago, began a dangerous trade war against the Russian Federation. The answer does not have to wait too much and now we are paying the consequences. But how? We are not in America, we don’t live in Moscow as is it possible that the Italians, already impoverished by the various crises, are the losers of our own pockets? We are not the ones that, according to the pro-government media, have strength, courage and authority both in Europe and across the Atlantic? A few days ago our Prime Minister has just spoken on the phone with President Obama, perhaps not be understood because of his poor English? In fact, something is happening, but we have very little to rejoice. The United States are asking the European Union to support and sustain the economic sanctions against the Russian Federation; it consists in blocking of exports, mainly concentrated in the technology sector, mechanical, electronic, engineering and energy sectors. The EU calls on Member States to comply and within a few days even Italy adopts the sanctions. Why so in a hurry? We are late in implementing European directives with quite more importance and in the foreign policy we have not yet made the sale of sovereignty to anyone, nor the Europan Union. What lies behind this fast? Did Renzi and his minister Mogherini evaluate the direct damage to our businesses that export technology and expertise in the Russian Federation? Did they considere the consequences of any trade reprisals extended to the whole of Europe? It did not take much to predict what has just occurred in the last hours: President Putin promptly ordered the block of food imports from the entire European Union. Now the damage is done. Italy, great food exporter is perhaps the State most affected. Fortunately, the list of blocked products do not contain the wine but the damage already begin to be measurable and significant. Italy loses more than two billion euro because the current block and something worse could happen. How was this possible? Is it a meditated political choice or maybe a simple mistake of youth of our government? It s very simple: convinced to belongs to the european authorities President Renzi is already a few months ago that is begging for an Italian role in the same Europen authorities since. Because he’s not considered, he is trying to prove that our minister Mogherini would be the right woman to fill the role of Lady Pesc, the “foreign minister of the European Union”. What better way in this delicate moment than to marry any thesis Putinofobic prevalent in those EU countries which mostly dont like the Mogherini solution for the role of Lady Pesc? In the name of careerism of our Minister Mogherini and under the sign of rampantism of our President Renzi we are giving up our economy for a place rather pointless given that foreign policy in Europe it is made by the individual Member States and the role is in fact more cosmetic than substantial. But is typical of our government seek operations - or tasks - more cosmetic because in the ones where they would have to demonstrate any value ...they would be in real difficulties. A simple reassurance: the current Pesc, Lady Baroness Catherine Ashton, has already demonstrated to the international community and to the Italians - with the management of the landings from the Mediterranean - that anyone would be able to play that role better than her, even Mogherini! Fabrizio Bertot
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 14:43:11 +0000

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