We are being destroyed from within at this moment. The obama - TopicsExpress


We are being destroyed from within at this moment. The obama admin DHS has labeled veterans the number 1 terrorist threat to this nation, along with patriot groups who sympathize with the first American revolutionary members. Since when is this a threat to be a proud American? I can tell you this, its since this traitor and his liberal radicals have taken over our government and labeled all of us threats, but we arent threats to Americans or America we are threats to the Obamas regime and their fascist plans to ruin America. It doesnt take much research to see whos making these decisions about who is a threat, look at Obamas main security advisor Mohamed Elibiary, a PROUD member of the Muslim brotherhood, and Americans are paying his salary. The obama family has deep ties to terrorism and the Muslim brotherhood and Americans have allowed this fraud to infiltrate our government.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:49:26 +0000

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