We are closing in on six months of our lifestyle change. We are - TopicsExpress


We are closing in on six months of our lifestyle change. We are thankful for all the positive reinforcements and expressions of support during this exciting journey. In previous posts about our accomplishments, I have encouraged people to join my little group and share in experiences and trade stories. It is still small but growing. Please join at the link below. On a more serious note, once we began to see progress and moving closer to our initial goals, we made our efforts public on the tools we use to track and maintain (my fitness pal and map my walk). We also enjoy talking to people about our experiences and how our lives are changing by the day because of our commitments. Until today (9/10) no one has had anything negative or contrary to say to negate our joy. Pauline and I have committed ourselves to a lifestyle change, this lifestyle change was prompted by health issues being brought to light because of being hospitalized for pneumonia. However our lifestyle change has not and is not regulated or supervised by any type of medical doctor. The only input any medical professionals had was you need to lose weight, which was obvious. I reiterate that we are NOT on a diet. We have stopped eating processed foods that contain an unnecessary amount of added sodium and other ingredients. All of the foods we eat have enough sodium in them from natural sources. I am responding to some comments made privately, but doing so publicly so that others may gleen a lesson from this (reference earlier posts about what NOT to say to a person making lifestyle changes) Dont take offense because I am not anti-holistic or anti-neuorpathic, however I take exception when those who profit off of non-traditional medicines use it as a platform that convinces some people to reject in totality modern medical science, where as modern medical science has seen fit to incorporate and accept tenets of non-traditional practices. This belief also applies to fad diets and supplements and divisional diets that do not provide a natural regime or lasting results because rather than being a lifelong solution, they are a means to an end, and putting money in someones pocket Now on to my public reply: First off let me say that I know that what you have said is out of your personal concern, and that concern is appreciated, BUT the way you approach it shows you have absolutely no knowledge or concept of what we are doing and how we are doing it. I will clarify as I address your assertions and statements. You stated we are on a sodium restricted diet, that is factually incorrect. We avoid foods with added forms or excessive amounts of sodium. One of the wonderful side effects of this lifestyle change (besides weight loss, more energy and endurance) is that our blood pressure is lower, and generally much lower after a good walk. We have never attributed this lower blood pressure to anything about sodium, so it is not relevant what They have discovered (no source) One of the things that Pauline and I have learned in our 21 years of marriage is that good intentions from third parties have spoiled many things within others lives. Further we both have learned that the internet and Google in particular is a tool that needs to be nuanced to be used properly or can provide onerous information or misleading statements. The methods and approach you use to inform of facts does not overcome my critical thinking because: You state I do not want you to die...this is called a fear of loss technique implying that we are doing something that is endangering our lives, when all you said prior to it has NOTHING to do with what we are doing and the way we are accomplishing it. I am open to new ideas but quoted facts need to have independent references (and multiple sources), and since the two sources you quoted put the ENTIRE medical field at odds with their claims and makes no room for any exceptions contrary to their views of modern medicine (Doctors Lie, Anybody ingrained in the medical field will not listen to (their/our) facts, Dead Doctors Dont Lie) , this is a foundation for what I found to be a cornucopia of reasoning fallacies that tries to justify conclusions of theory and hypothesis as fact because of the titles of the authorities and their use of the scientific method. I took the time to investigate these people and their company and product distribution when I first heard of them a couple of years ago. There are too many examples to quote here but included in their material was: confirmation bias, circular reasoning, quoting out of context, oversimplification, over-complication, appeal to authority/accomplishment, association fallacies, the use of network (MLM/IBO) marketing and the use of university research funding to market legitimacy just to name a few. I dont just dismiss your assertions out of hand but I employ persistent efforts to examine any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the evidence that supports or refutes it (examining all sources relevant) and to analyze the further conclusions to which it may be inclined to draw. From your previous postings and assertions, the conclusion I can draw is that what is truth to you is true for you, but what is true for you may not be fact to me. I repeat that I respect and understand your concern, but that concern is unfounded. I will appreciate it that you not try to bust our bubble by trying to sow seeds of doubt in a process that IS working, Weve conquered Type II Diabetes and High Blood pressure by adapting healthier habits under our own initiative and by applying our research skills and knowledge. I am open to new knowledge, but accept that I am a critical skeptic. If you want to sway me, give me independent authoritative sources of your truth you want me to accept as fact. **When I reply to or make comments I use the reasoning set forth herein on the multitudes of subjects that I dabble in from time to time, but take this to heart that I am fully vested in the long term viability of my marriage and all the commitments I have made in regard to its defense and longevity.**
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 08:38:29 +0000

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