We are coming down to the end of another year and I have been - TopicsExpress


We are coming down to the end of another year and I have been thinking about what direction this page will be taking in the year to come. As always, I had an epiphany during one of my evening walks. It occurred to me that there is so much more that we can do with this page like; instead of just posting stories, I would like to start posting video interviews with people of the Valley that have stories to tell. This is something I would like to see begin in 2015. Meanwhile, I would like to take a look back at some of the things that sent me on this crazy ride I call Your Urban Legends. The biggest influence came from my darling grandmother Dona Lupe. She would sit us all down and tell us stories of the past that had a definite paranormal edge to it. One of the stories had to do with her father, my namesake who was a bit of a mystical character. She told us that he had an unusual vein formation on his forehead. Instead of that one great big vein that becomes evident whenever we strain to do something or become angry, he had two in the formation of a cross. Because of this, he had an unnatural ability to intimidate Brujas or, in English, witches. My favorite involved a friend of his who came to him one night complaining that he was being bothered by a coven of witches. My Great Grandfather told him not to worry, but to go back to his house and stay inside until my he gave him the all clear. So, my Great Grandfather made his way to his friends house and on the way he picked up a few well chosen stones and put them in cloth sack. He said a few prayers over the sack and continued on to his friends house. When he came to his friends house he heard some cackling coming from a large tree next to the house. He looked up and saw three large white owls sitting in the tree. Now, the rest would sound better if I could say it in Spanish, which is what my Great Grandfather spoke and what my Grandmother related the story to us in. Hopefully, it doesnt lose anything in translation. He jumped up on a fence that ran underneath the tree and hailed the owls in the tree; to which he was responded to with silence. He called out to them once again, this time using a few choice words in the process. The owls remained stoic and just looked at him with large owl stares. Finally, he pulled out one of the stones from the sack and threw it at them sending the owls into the air bumping into each other losing large amounts of feathers in the process. Finally one screamed at him, Don Reyes why are you treating us so horribly? We have done nothing to earn such disrespect!. My Great Grandfather told them that they indeed had done something and that they were harassing a good friend of his. With that he heaved a larger stone and it clipped one of the owls. Aaiiii!, The owl screamed and even more feathers rained down from the tree. You are lucky that we dont come down there and peck your eyes out!. Another stone almost decapitated one of the birds and with that the birds flew into the air and hissed at Don Reyes, We will leave, but we only do that as a favor to you, you must promise to leave us alone. He let loose with one more stone and told them that he would promise them nothing and that they should never show their faces in his village again. The owls flew off and no one ever saw them again. I love that story, I hope you enjoyed it as well. So, can witches turn themselves into large white owls? Something to think about the next time you see one sitting in a tree next to your house.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 08:38:14 +0000

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