We are experiencing deep transformation and and renewal it is - TopicsExpress


We are experiencing deep transformation and and renewal it is important to take at least 5 to 12 minutes every day to be still and come into the present by either deep breathing , a few smiles a day if not all day. there is a deep up coming three months since January thru all of March of Great Changes both personally as well as Globally, Breath, many of our prayers are manifesting and yet many of our old beliefs and situations that we thought were cleared come along to be released once and for all , not by going around them , yet by facing them in full steadfast faith and strength , wether it be lack of sleep or too much of it , each of us is experiencing an accelerated time of transformation bombarding us with facing the things once and for all that we thought were cleared, more then ever I am here to uplift you, for this is not to fear for we your guides and inner core beings are leaving whats left of reminders of the 3d Happenings and have the great opportunity to heal ourselves and by so collectively as we are connected it is important to know we are strong enough as a soul and we can handle it and it is time to use your cleansing tools as for here we are using a quick sea salt bath or keeping a cup in the shower with and sea salt for a quick cleanse as we cleanse we cleanse our thoughts. our patterns and integrate more graciously our new DIVINE Selves fully embodied. the Challenges we may see before us may seem as we are going backwards and the changes in may parts of the world may seem gloomy , clear yourself and trust that the journey is not the outcome , come into the present moment. Address yourself and be not caught up in the drama of those who may not be listening to their inner core , help be the love, this is a moment where we are getting and are receiving within our light body, within our physical selves the vastest amount of light we can. and we are moving once and for all in the next very few years into what is called full ascension and or enlightenment notice that we are not here to hurt ourselves , it is a moment of grand clearing and illumination and our very structure and selves is changing. notice the miracles and wonders between the challenges one may face right now for it is what many light workers and Masters have paved the way for us to do and be where we are , Declare yourselves Victors not Victims every day , in Gratitude and know that you are not going crazy nor you are being out of control know that you are a being of pure love and for this much amount of Source love to be on Earth all that is not of that frequency must leave the earth , be faced, come up and it takes effort to stay in that steadfast full speed clearing , get as much rest as you can and is possible , for even in rest you are clearing , and upgrading you have planted the seeds long long long ago. and notice that the prayers you have asked for are coming out of the veil and into full manifestation, we are definitely in it together, remember to laugh be humorous with yourself and play your inner music and without , know that what is rightfully yours is all good and you stand in sovereignty this is the time not to gloat on a title you been giving in your channeling and messages that is not the key , the key is to put it into action my Angelic Warriors and know that you are and have never been separate , quite the contrary you are closer then ever to your whole being of infinite Source Connection, stay calm and we are not in need to do anything we have a condition where we think we need to be in control of everything and at times we need to remind ourselves that all is being handled by the supreme command you laid out as perfect emanations of Father Mother Gods and Goddesses, smile give in NOT to addiction like behaviors seeking outside self, in buying or consuming or what may be that your used to doing to fix it there is nothing to fix you are not broken you merely are completing and finding the pieces all the pieces that are left that you had forgotten , as a reminder when we expand and our DNA Activates to more strands the more we see and it takes time to adjust and meditate to accept seeing that much in the light yet be grateful and as integrated light and DNA is Activated you are able to the come in full strength , be patient with yourself, for that strength is the LOVE that will assist us in helping those in need and that ask and I quote that ASK for most have found yet are not aware of how much , this is the TIME And Year of Great Miracles and they can be met with gratitude and rest as all is well we are within the cornucopia of safety the Calm of the Storm when we are in the center in the NOW breathing and rejuvenation time honor all of you , for all on Earth and Universe is in Restoration full throttle as asked so that we do not experience any major discomfort for long periods of time. notice how many ailments or what we may deem dis ease comes and goes, I write and transcribe this in the morning as I have been in deep sleep and learning and downloading , hahaha its funny usually what I receive in my moments while im awake like this such as you are is early in the morning these days, not more then a couple of days ago I saw a computer monitor that was the symbol above me as I was waking up and I had seen Emails and they were downloading into my body , sounds wild right. well dont discount it or anything say thank you or go about your day tell someone or write it down, you may not know at that moment when the information you downloaded will come for you to share it . or put into action , yet in trust and faith . it will the Earth is an Eternal school and so , really our souls journey and this is an amazing opportunity , for in the years I have served actively in private or public never have I seen such a wonderful amazing amount of spiritual awakenings and all these awakenings are Source in Action as a whole and complete Self on Earth and its full illumination now for its inhabitants from all corners of the Galaxy and Entire universe be Well know that you are secure no matter where you are moving and know that you are in total command of how you react , without judging yourself love all of you every aspect part , physical and non ,you are so grand that ai can feel you totally in my auric field an in my world as you can in mine. spread and be the most loving rainbow white light spectrum you are here to be and this planet will be more love then That of our Beloved Sister Venus , and as we have Venusians here and all kinds of beings in human form. and we love you love them , Above all read carefully be gentle be bold you were here to BE COMPLETE AND BECOME WHAT NO Humanity as a whole has achieved before that peace of total Activation and manifestations of the heart face your self the good and the love move out of the comfort of self and walk into YOUR MIRACLE , you know you prayed for this , you may not have known how it was coming about , but trust there is light before , within and at the end of the tunnel , for there is no tunnel at all that was a creation a metaphor no longer needed Believing for you and lovingly for you and we are all in ths ONEness of spirit. ! Source All That IS Via Emanuel Solaris Oriisis March 2014 for you and from You
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 15:03:58 +0000

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