We are facing hard choices... In his 1964 speech, Ronald Reagan - TopicsExpress


We are facing hard choices... In his 1964 speech, Ronald Reagan said that by allowing the minority to impose unjust rules restricting the God-given rights of US citizens, it is tantamount to surrender. Nikita Khrushchev felt that the way to destroy America was to allow us to do it ourselves. In the year of our Lord, 2014, we seem to be doing a pretty good job of it because weve become too wrapped up in ourselves and our own personal happiness and havent heeded the advice of President Kennedy who long ago proclaimed: Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country. This old-school mentality has, unfortunately, fallen by the wayside to a frighteningly large extent to the utter detriment of our great nation and a huge segment of the American population has fallen for seemingly endless delusions. We are now experiencing a cultural shift from the corporate to the individual that is eroding the very moral fiber of who we were meant to be or have the potential of becoming. Khrushchev once said that when they come to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender would be voluntary because we would be weakened from within spiritually, economically, and morally. But it doesnt have to be that way and we dont have to look upon our decline as an unalterable fate. Its our choice. We can still fight. We dont have to surrender - far from it! We can stand up for the faith and values that made our nation great and we can flat-out refuse to bow to the liberal America- / God- hating agenda. We live here, too, and WE ARE the majority! May God help us help ourselves. We can change things through prayer, obedience and humility before Him. We CAN make a difference and we CAN say NO! to fear!!! Next Tuesday can be a game-changer.... This world needs a strong America. Otherwise, theres a noticeable leadership vacuum on the world stage that this crazy world cant afford. madworldnews/50-years-still-time-choosing/
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:50:59 +0000

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