We are getting a lot of questions that may be of general interest. - TopicsExpress


We are getting a lot of questions that may be of general interest. Well try to answer them here as time permits. Q: Is your home part of the deal? A: No, Rick and I will retain ownership of our home at Muir. It is not included in the gift. Q: Has Ricks cancer taken a sudden turn for the worse? Is that why you are willing to give Muir Valley away? A: No, absolutely not, Rick is doing extremely well. In fact his leukemia is officially in remission now. Yay! Q: Where are you going, and what will you do after you give Muir Valley away? A: We arent going anywhere. We will still be deeply involved in Muir Valley after we pass ownership to FOMV. After the gift, instead of owners of Muir Valley, we will be just two more enthusiastic FOMV volunteers and donors. Q: Why did you suddenly make the decision to give Muir Valley away? A: It wasnt a sudden decision. It has been our vision for nearly 10 years (almost from the time we founded Muir Valley) to ultimately make a gift of Muir Valley to the climbing community. We have been steadily working toward that plan by mentoring FOMV volunteers and grooming the organization for eventual Muir Valley ownership and responsibility. Q: What happens if FOMV doesnt reach the $200,000 goal? Where does the money go? Who would be in chare of Muir Valley then? A: If FOMV doesnt reach the $200,000 goal, Rick and I will retain ownership of Muir Valley. Any part of that goal donated to FOMV will continue to be used by FOMV to continue fulfilling their mission. Any donor who wants to make a conditional donation can specify that the donation is being made on the conditions that FOMV is successful in meeting the goal and the property is given to FOMV. If those terms are not met the conditional donation will be returned at the request of the donor. If the goal is not reached, Rick and I will retain ownership and continue to be in charge of Muir Valley. We will keep it open to the public and welcome climbers. However, if the goal is not reached we will conclude that Muir Valley is not as important to the climbing community as we thought. We will take that into consideration as we decide how much more of our work and resources we want to put into Muir Valley and what its ultimate future will be. Q: If I already made a sizable donation last month before I knew of this goal, will that count? A: Yes, absolutely. Any donations to either Friends of Muir Valley or to Muir Valley made in calendar year 2014 will be counted toward the goal.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:42:34 +0000

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