We are going to choose one of two things with every problem we - TopicsExpress


We are going to choose one of two things with every problem we have in our life....We will choose to trust God and do what he says even when it doesnt make sense? Or will we get mad because the answer isnt coming fast enough and take matters into our own hands? Each time we choose. Personally, I have done the taking matters into my own hands and I am always left with a bigger problem to deal with and a lot of guilt. Choosing today to let God have them all. :-) -T & B -Rick Warren/ Daily Hope “God blesses those who ... realize their need for him.” (Matthew 5:3a NLT) God doesn’t mind having a wrestling match with you, because wrestling is a contact sport. It means you’re up close, and God would rather have you up close wrestling with him than have you distant and apathetic. You know the problems you’re having in your life right now? That problem you’re having with your kids, your spouse, your finances, or your health — that’s just the symptom. Your real struggle is with God. What is your struggle with God? Your biggest struggle is when things don’t go the way you want them to or as fast as you want them to, and you take matters into your own hands. You don’t wait, you don’t trust God, you don’t pray, you don’t think God will provide for your needs, and you get in a hurry. Whatever the problem is in your life, it boils down to two things: Will you trust God to take care of the situation? And, will you obey God and do the right thing even if it doesn’t make sense? The root of all your conflicts in life is that you want to be in charge. You want to be God. You want to call the shots. So God says, “OK, let’s have it out. Let’s go to the mat. Let’s wrestle — you and me, one-on-one. Let’s have it out. Let’s see who’s really in charge here.” The Bible says in Matthew 5:3, “God blesses those who ... realize their need for him” (NLT). I love the analogy of wrestling, because the whole purpose of wrestling is to pin the other guy on the mat. How do you know when you’ve won? When they say, “Uncle!” or “I give up.” God is waiting for you to say that. He’ll wrestle with you as long as it takes.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 10:17:10 +0000

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