We are here as Citizens in a Republic, engaging in the role of - TopicsExpress


We are here as Citizens in a Republic, engaging in the role of Government, but something is wrong, .We know that “We the People” are masters of Govt but govt seems to be the master. You know govt should be limited, that Force and Power in the hands of Man is evil, that Man is imperfect, that our govt is “We the People”. To be an American.? The term is not to be used lightly( there are South Americans, Central Americans, South North Americans(Mexico), Central North Americans(United States citizens), or North North America(Canada),. To be an American there is Duty and Responsibility! Someone once said “A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?” the Duty of an American. Can someone call themselves an American without performing their Duty and Responsibility? Can a surgeon be a surgeon without doing surgery, can a teacher teach without knowledge and wisdom? Can a Marine be a Marine without Volunteering? The Official American Standard Playing Cards declares 99% of the Citizens of these United States does not know what their governments job is. Can a citizen state 3 clauses from Article 1 sec 8 of the Constitution? Can you state? Does the citizen know what Congresses job is? If 99% of the People cannot state Congresses power under the Constitution, then 99% of the People are ignorant of Congresses job under the Constitution! It has been said “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” So here we are, a Nation that expects to be ignorant and free. So here we are. It was said that “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didnt pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”. A Nation that expects to be ignorant and free. We can fix it. People talk a lot about American exceptionalism but what does that mean? The Official American Standard Playing Cards has defined it. (When men possess their unalienable rights, they become exceptional individuals. United with others of the same principals, they become an exceptional people). America ceases to be exceptionable when the individual ceases to possess their unalienable rights. Know what your governments job is. Know what powers they have under the Constitution. If we educate our youth in the Science of Government, If we communicate it to those who are to be the future Guardians of Liberty of the Country. They will fix it .You cannot call yourself an American without doing your Duty and Responsibility. America now has Her own Playing Cards. Everyone has heard of the king of hearts, the queen of clubs, if our posterity knows the Patriot of Revolution the Lady of Unity, they would have the Constitutional Powers of Congress and the Rights of the People in their hands. There is no Duty more pressing than communicating it who are to be the future guardians of Liberty of the Country. Can you call yourself an American? Are you doing your Duty. Lets honor our Founders and remove the kings and queens one more time. America now has her own playing cards. https://facebook/pages/American-Standard-Playing-Cards/156239211108186?pnref=story
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:19:28 +0000

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